04 November 2007

Update on Shelley

Thank you, dear readers, for praying for Mark's sister Shelley...

She had her surgery Friday afternoon, and they removed a lump the size of a fifty-cent piece, as well as five lymph nodes. Mark spoke with her last night, and while she is *very* sore and heavily medicated right now, she is recovering and hopeful that the cancer is now GONE. Her spirits are good, and they are being well taken-care of. Meals are planned out for the next several weeks, a cleaning schedule has been made: one focus area each day of the week, one volunteer to clean that area.

She will begin radiation in another month, I think.

Thanks again for your prayers!



  1. Thanks for the update. It's good to hear specifics and know she and the family are well taken care of. Pass on my love ~ Camee :)

  2. Thanks for the update Stacy. I will continue to pray in faith, believing that our God is able! I love the cleaning schedule idea. What a blessing for her and her family.

  3. Hi Stacy :) I am so glad to hear that the procedure went well, and that her spirits are good. I will be praying that the pain will ease quickly. Love you! Q

  4. Hi Stacy,
    That is great news! Praise the Lord!


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