02 December 2007

December notes


Someone nominated With Great Joy in the category of "Best Cyber-Buddy Blog" for the Homeschool Blog Awards.

I had to check the description of that category, and this is what I found: "A blogger that you haven't met, but you think you would enjoy meeting and hanging out with. She is a person that you would love to co-op with or live next door to."

Okay, the fact that someone read that description and then nominated this blog? Really. It is just about the nicest compliment I could get on this little blog.

I thank you. 

And the idea of meeting/hanging out with/living next door to any one of you?  How fun would that be??? 

* * *

Can you believe December is here already?  Goodness!   

We celebrated yesterday by making these.

And aside from the little mishap I got into with the interfacing, which resulted in me permanently attaching small semi-circles onto my ironing board, we enjoyed every minute of the project.  And I wanted a new ironing board anyway.  

As December 1st came upon us, so did the snow.  My favorite part about the snow, other than the way it looks as it covers the trees, is the quiet that settles with it.  When you step outside after or during a snowfall, it just seems still.  

I like that.  

Things around the blog are going to be still as well.  I plan to take a break here for the month of December, and maybe on into January, too.  I probably won't be around much to comment on your blogs, either, so I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back!  :)

If you think of it, will you join us in praying that we will get our foster license?  Our social worker's "it will take a couple of weeks" has turned into several weeks, with no communication from her.  

A few thoughts on this....  
1. God desires us to adopt; I know this.  
2. Satan does not want us to adopt.  He is looking to devour these kids in the foster care system.  He has them right where he wants them: abandoned, neglected, abused and without hope.  
3.  Prayer is effective!  
With these things in mind, I have resolved to be more prayerful for that one thing: that we would get our foster license.  [I'm praying we'll have it by Christmas.]  

Many blessings to each and every one of you (and your spouses and families) as you celebrate Jesus Christ this season!  



  1. Amen on the adoption stuff. It is seriously a spiritual battle!

  2. Stacy - Congrats on your nomination...I am so so so so thankful that I get to be a "real life" buddy, but if I had never got to be your friend in real life, I would DEFINITELY love to be your cyber-buddy...because your thoughts/writings are always so thoughtful, challenging, godly and just stinking FUN!!!!

    I pray that God will move your foster/adoption process....sigh....how I remember.

    Cute fabric trees!

    I will miss your blog during your "hiatus"! :)


  3. Hi Stacy :) Congratulations on the nomination! How wonderful :)

    I will keep lifting you and your precious family up to the Father as you continue with Him in this process. I am so excited to see what He has in store for you next!

    While very thankful for you to have a break to enjoy your sweeties and the season, I am very selfishly going to miss visiting with you here! May this be a most blessed time :) Love to you! Q

  4. Of course you'd be nominated in that category. :) You are delightful and I can't wait for your next trip to Indiana! :)

    I thought that category was just the nicest thing, so I'm signed up to donate a prize to whoever wins it!

    I'm sad you won't be around in December. You will be missed! Enjoy your break and hurry back to us! Love you, friend.

  5. I love the stillness that snow brings too. I miss it, as we hardly ever get snow here. You will be missed as well, but it's a good time to take a break and enjoy your family and celebrating the marvelous way that we've been brought into The Family. I hope this time is one of much joy and peace and love for all of you, that you will be blessed, and be a blessing to those around you. And, I pray that you will soon have your foster license and be one step closer to adopting the child(ren) that God has waiting for you!
    Many blessings on you, and a very Blessed Christmas!

  6. Stillness...
    May we all know some of that blessing this Christmas season!

    We were graced with a little dusting of snow on Saturday night, and it was lovely. Honestly, I'm hoping for at least one big blizzard this winter!

    We sure will miss you, but we'll continue to remember you in prayer, especially with regards to the foster care/adoption issues.

    May you know God's rich blessings and the light of His presence this Christmas.

    Much, much love to you!!


  7. Stacy,
    I will pray... I will commit to try to pray for you and the children who are waiting to be yours) daily.
    On a totally prosaic note (maybe I should have put it in a different comment so as not to ruin this one!) I just bought a $6 ironing board cover at Target and am very happy with my "new" ironing board (and the absence of the old one in the landfill.)
    Blessings this Advent,

  8. Congrats!!! Do we get to vote for you?

    And I'm thinking your idea for a December break from blogging sounds good!! LOTS to get done...lots of family time to be had...

  9. Courtney,
    Yes, it is. Thanks for stopping by!

    I'm thankful you're my real-life buddy, too! [Though I don't usually refer to you as "buddy"... ~smile~. Friend! Real-life friend!]
    And thanks for your prayers, you.

    Thank you!
    And thank you for your prayers. I'm excited, too, to see what God has up ahead for us next. It's a fun adventure, this life with Him!
    And I'll miss you, too!

    Thank you. And I must say, there's an extra pull for me to come to Indiana so that I can see you. But it may be a couple of years...
    That's fun you get to donate a prize! Very cool.

    Welcome home! Really? You hardly ever get snow there? Hm.. I just assumed you did.
    Thank you, too, for your prayers!

    Yes, stillness... isn't it lovely? (And so *needed*?)
    Thanks for your prayers! I'll miss you too! Love and (((hugs))) to you!

    Thank you so much for your commitment to pray. :) That is so thoughtful of you and I am so encouraged to think of all those who are joining us in prayer. YAY!
    As for the ironing board (~smile~)... I would SO go for an ironing board cover if it weren't for the fact that my ironing board is the kind that hangs on the back of the door, and our door can't shut properly and it bangs against the door everytime we open it, and it's too small for all of my projects, and I've already asked Mark if we could upgrade to a bigger (normal-sized) one! :)

    :) Love you girls, all of you.

  10. Stacy, congrats on your nomination. I have to concur with the discription. I enjoy coming to your blog.

    Totally agree about the adoption stuff. We have seem so many trials with all our adoptions. God will be faithful.

    Lovely Christmas project.


  11. Congratulations on the nomination, enjoy your blogging break, yes the stillness of snow is so peaceful and wonderful! Please let us know when the license comes through, we'll be praying.

  12. I think it would be fun if we lived next door to one another too! But you probably alread knew that.
    I am always praying for you and your future family members, but I will continue to do so.
    I will have to remember to not check you blog daily this month. Have a good break.

  13. OK, I admit it. I am at least partially responsible for that nomination :) But hey, so were two other people. And from your comments, there are more than three of us who want to met you IRL. Wouldn't that be fun???

  14. Will miss you but have fun with your family. Everytime I make your soft moalsses cookies and drink an eggnog latte...I will think of you:o)
    Hope you aren't in all this bad weather!

  15. consider yourself voted for by several computers located in mangoland...

  16. Stacy!

    I will miss you -- but you can be assured that you will be in my prayers and in my heart. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for my adoption, so I KNOW that it is a good thing, and God will withhold no good thing from His children.

    As I type, the wind is blowing and snow is falling. Yay!! I looooove snow :-)

    And Stacy - I so wish that you lived next door ;-)

    lots of love ...

  17. I will be praying for your foster care situation. I can definitely sympathize! Have a great Christmas, and enjoy your break and family time, just don't vanish for 7 months like some crazy person I know! You will be missed!

  18. Oh, Stacy, enjoy this time! I will think of you, happily sewing and crafting and loving on your sweet family.
    My prayers are with you, too, as you await the promise...

  19. Congratulations on your nomination :) And thanks for coming by my blog! I love new bloggy pals. Although, sounds like you are hunkering down for a bit. I'll look forward to getting to know you a bit better when you get back to your blog :)


  20. Stacy,
    Yes, the homeschool blog award category fits you! I hope you have a lovely break and I pray the Lord blesses you with all the desires of your heart this Christmas!
    Christy :-)

  21. Just stopped by to say hi. I've missed you.

    Hope you have a great Christmas!

  22. (Just a whisper to say I am praying for you...
    Enjoy the still, my friend...)

  23. Okay, I read this post. But I guess, somehow in my lack of stillness, I missed this paragraph:


    Things around the blog are going to be still as well. I plan to take a break here for the month of December, and maybe on into January, too. I probably won't be around much to comment on your blogs, either, so I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back! :)"

    I miss you. I will catch up with you when you get back.

    If you want to talk, just call!!

  24. Just stopping by to wish you a very merry Christmas! I hope and pray that you are being blessed by the stillness.
    Love you!

  25. Just wanted to say I've been thinking of you! I meant to get your address to send you our Christmas letter! It is up on Scott's blog if you want to read it.
    Miss you! Hope you're having a lovely Christmas season. Thanks for your sweet comments this week. Love you!


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my best to reply back to you in the comment section.