25 February 2008

Day by numbers

One exhausted mama. (Just over three hours of sleep last night.)
One little boy who peed all over our living room rug.
Two needy foster babies (Baby's older sister (13 months) joined us today).
Two boys, found downstairs amidst a mess of little beads.
Two beads, stuffed up the nose of my 2-year old. (Way, way, up the nose.)
Two times mama was found in a pile of tears on the couch.
Three social workers, at my door and in my home today.
Three meals made and served.
Four loads of laundry.
Seventy-five phone calls. (Okay, maybe not that many, but after about twelve calls by 11:00 this morning I lost count.)

One even more exhausted mama who plans to go to bed in about ten minutes.
It's 7:45.

**Updated to add**
This post sounds awfully grumbly, doesn't it? Sorry. I also have...
one AMAZING husband who is home with me now,
three BEAUTIFUL children God has given to me, and
one FAITHFUL, wonderful God who gave me strength throughout this day.
(Not to mention several GREAT bloggy friends who I know are praying for me. Thank you.)


  1. Stacy, I have been enjoying your journey as you foster "Baby" and now her sister.

    I am praying for you and your family as you minister to these little ones for as long as God gives them to you.

    I love your honesty and faith as you share your days.

  2. Right now I'm trying to calculate how you were even able to do all of that in one day. I don't think I could have done it, but I can understand your exhaustion and your piles of tears.

    What a blessing to have this older sister added to your care. I've already offered a heartfelt prayer for a pee-free, bead-free, and rested tomorrow for you. :)

  3. Oh Stacy, what a long day! Because I know your heart for these needy kids, I am thankful that you were given another one today... but wow! what a day! Did you get the beads out? Mikey stuck a popcorn kernel up his nose a while ago and we had to get it removed at the doctor's office... was that part of your day too? I am praying for you!!
    rebecca m

  4. I'm supposed to be sleeping... but Mark and I cleaned the kitchen first and caught up on our days and now I'm lying in bed while he heats up my rice bag to warm my feet and THEN I'm going to sleep!

    I should clarify that we only had baby's older sister for *today*. She is a very young 13 months and needed to be in my arms almost as much as the 5-week old (which is LOTS) and, frankly, it was undoable. (Hence one bout of tears).

    Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

    Rice bag is back.

    Sleep is just moments away. Ah... bliss! (Please stay sleeping, Baby, please stay sleeping...)


  5. Stacy,
    Loving you and praying for you... and wishing I could come over and help! Thank God His mercies are new every morning. I'm praying tonight that it is evident to you that you are sleeping (resting when awake) in His very loving, capable, strong, gentle, refreshing, and comforting arms. As you hold and rock and cuddle this precious little girl, may you be reminded that He holds you as you walk through this, Stacy. "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11
    Loving you ~ Camee

  6. and ... I don't know about that "amazing" part, but you do have 1 husband who loves you and is so sorry about your day and who wishes he hadn't been away from home at work for 11 hours. What a lousy time for a long day at work.

    You are the best wife to me and mother to our 3 (+1) kids. I treasure you.

    - Mark

  7. aww, hope that things get easier for you and that you are able to get some rest.
    stop by my blog for some fun drawings.

  8. Oh, Stacy! I am on my way to have my prayer time right now...you're going to be first on my list this morning. It was amazing how that first week I had our girly I could feel everyone's prayers. God is so good.

  9. Just read your comment and I am glad today might be slightly easiery for you!

    p.s. I love my rice bag too...I did a post on how to make them a while back...my kids each have one and so does my hubby!

  10. "This post sounds awfully grumbly, doesn't it?"

    No, no, and again I say, NO! This is reality, something the homeschooling/big family world can always use a dose of.

    Thanks for your transparency.

  11. Praying for you Stacy!
    And I'd love to be of help in any way if I can. If you need a day to catch up, I can definitely hold a baby! One thing I have to remember is that my family is not a normal family... there are many extra stresses that come with being a foster parent. I have to look for and accept help more often than if my kids were all trained by us at home.


  12. i just have to say you guys are awesome! i love that your husband leaves you loving comments on your blog! i hope you we're able to get some sleep last night :) blessings to you and your wonderful family!


  13. I came and read really quick last night but didn't have time to leave a comment. Just wanted you to know I prayed for you last night! And this morning, I am praying for a more relaxed, love-filled, pee-free, productive day! And hopefully you can throw a nap in there somewhere...

  14. God bless you for what you're doing for those babies! I pray for good rest, and strength for the coming days...

  15. Praying, praying, praying, dear Stacy. He knows... and He will hold you up.

  16. Hi Stacy :) Wow! What a day! Praying and trusting with you... Love, Q

  17. This day sure does put my "hard days" into perspective!
    I am glad today is going better!

  18. Oh, sweet girl. How did I miss this post until now, Tuesday night?

    THIS is a day I wished I lived nearby; I'd come rescue you or hold a baby or help de-bead a nose. (I do know a good trick for getting dried up balls of play-doh out of the nose if you need it.)

    God will give you the strength you need for each day, and the beauty of being at your wit's end is that you turn more to Him! :) Love you!

  19. I know I've said this a bajillion times, but I really do love you guys. I think I have the *BEST* blog friends out there. :)

    Thank you for your kind words, your encouragement, your prayers, and your support!

    (((Love to each of you!)))


  20. Hi Stacy,

    I hope you got some sleep last night.

    Praying for you and the little ones..

  21. Stacy,
    I feel so guilty that I did not read this on your very exhausting and overwhelming day! You are amazing - and you were NOT grumbly. You were just being honest - and that's one of the very things I love about your blog. Hope you are getting some needed rest - and aren't rice bags-in-bed-at-night wonderful?

  22. Hey sis since it doesn't sound like you are very busy I was wondering if you could maybe do a load of laundry for me? WOW if there was ever any doubt that you are following in Moms footsteps as a Supermom they have been answered! I think you are amazing and hope I can find a woman with half of your qualities. But hopefully blond. Make sure that husband of yours is rubbing your feet every time he can. Love you


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