05 March 2008

Please pray for us

We need it.

Some new information has surfaced which has brought us some hesitation as to whether or not we should adopt this little girl.

We want what God wants, here. And we're praying, seeking, waiting on Him.

Yesterday we were able to see this baby for the first time, for one hour. As you can imagine that makes our decision even more difficult.

Specifically, please join us as we pray for:

*peace. That if we are supposed to move forward, God would grant peace to our hearts. And that we would be joyful as we move in that direction. And if we are supposed to let this go, that we would have peace about that, too.

*unity. That Mark and I would both be of one mind on the matter.

*wisdom, clarity. We really want to *know* beyond a shadow of a doubt what it is God desires for us to do. So that we can move boldly forward, or not.

*rest. I could use some. I am a bit of an emotional wreck, and I would love to be of sound, rested mind at this time of decision making.

*you can also pray against fear and all the "what-if" questions that have been raised. We don't want to make a decision based on fear or the possibility of certain things happening in this situation.

*lastly, please continue to pray for this precious little girl. she is beautiful, tiny, and is having difficulty eating.

And anything else God leads you to pray for, that would be appreciated. :) And please-- if God gives you a verse or some word of knowledge, give it.

Thank you, dear friends.

I'm stepping out, here, for a few days... trying to turn off the "noise" and listen.

In the meantime, we are heartened to know that you will pray.


  1. Praying. I'll email you; I never got back to you on your sweet pics, did I???

  2. Oh Stacy, I will certainly keep praying. My dear friends in BC just went through a similar thing with one of the boys they were to adopt from Haiti. Peace, grace, and strength from God to you.

  3. Oh, how we will be praying. I will pray that God works this all out more wonderfully than you ever could have imagined. After all, that is the way He works!

    Sending a big hug and lots of love...

  4. I am praying for you, that God would grant all of you what you need right now.

    Amy Crawford

  5. All of the Lord's ways are peace. I pray He will give you His peace in your decision.

  6. At this moment, I have no words of wisdom...just wanting you to know that I am praying that God will give you and your husband the wisdom to make this decision. I am praying that you will get rest. That is important too. I can imagine this is so tough...especially now that you have seen her! The "what if's" sometimes plague me too. Totally understanding that, but so thankful that our Father knows them all and we can trust that He will give wisdom. You are on my heart!

  7. I will pray immediately. No matter your decision God will provide for his child. He sets the lonely in families and He is the one that holds her future. He will reveal to you the path for your life and hers. I will pray that His voice is loud and clear to you and your husband.

  8. I will pray for peace and rest and also confidence. Confidence in that
    God has given you the discernment to know that His hand is in all of this and you can't mess up God's plan(as Beth Moore once said). I need to know that sometimes, that no matter what, I can't mess up God's plan. Praying for you all.

  9. Hi Stacy;

    Well, I recommend staying under the authority of Mark. If he feels the answer is 'no' - stay under that covering of the authority God has given him. There is protection and peace there, trust me.

    I also highly recommend fasting. It is amazing if you and Mark can do this together, you will be better able to hear from heaven and certainly it will help knock out some of the "noise."

    Be blessed and know that we are praying for you.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  10. Hi Stacy :)
    Count on our prayers. We love your family so! Love, Q

  11. Please remember in this trying time that the Lord's ways are not always peaceful... sometimes He asks us to go to Nineveh~! Sometimes He asks us to do something difficult, to go into a place that is anything but peaceful and a place that looks like a giant, impossible mountain. God is using you tremendously in all this ~ I can see it from "over here!" and I don't even know the details. But I can see Him shining through you in what you write.

    If He asks it of you, be willing to do the difficult thing and, like Gideon, charge ahead after you get your answer - either direction He points you in. Our lives are a breath. Whatever you decide will go so fast, and you will be on the other end of Motherhood someday looking back on these times and praying, "Lord, THANK YOU for guiding us!"

    I'll be praying!

  12. Have been and will continue to pray (more specific now)!

  13. God has promised to lead you...
    Proverbs 3:5-6 So I know He will, thank you for inviting us to stand with you in this.

    One of the most wonderful, life changing things in my life came because of a woman's faithfulness to say follow God's leading and say "no" to me. That "no" was God's "YES" to something above and beyond what I had ever dreamt of.

    Rejoice, God will lead you and peace will flow through you. Just keep your mind on Him and remember He doesn't play hide and seek with His will.

    Tami R.

    Proverbs 25: 4 Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;
    5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

  14. Confidence & Courage!!!

    I will be praying!


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