02 February 2009

Verse #2


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29

And now I'm off to post my next verse in the shower.

One other thing I'm doing to be in the Bible more faithfully this year: The Discipleship Journal Bible reading plan. I've talked Mark into doing it with me, and I'm excited to be reading the same thing together each day and be able to share what God is speaking to each of us through those particular daily passages.

Also, I think it will be helpful for me to have something "set" for me to read each day, especially this year of my life with two little ones.

I've never been one to make it through the One Year Bible-- I usually start well, end up getting behind by a day or two... then a few more... and finally, so many days behind that I bag the idea altogether. I'm hoping that with this plan (with a brilliant 5 catch-up days each month!), and the accountability of Mark reading it, too- I can do better. [Thank you, Kendra, for the link to the plan!]


  1. I love that you are doing all this memorization! Good work. Also, I played a game of photo tag, and I tagged you to play along (if you want). My post will be up around 5:00 if you want to check it out and play too!

  2. Great job you!

    I have done the DJ reading plan a few years and I love it. My favorite part is that you are in 4 different type's of scripture each day which is so much easier for me than to be only reading about the specs of the temple or something.

    Love you!

  3. you can do it! give yourself a little grace though :) you do have four little ones and one making their appearance this month :)

    i'm with you though.....i have the best intentions to get through the bible in one year.....and have yet to do it.

    have a wonderful week~

  4. You, dear one, inspire me. Period.


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