01 March 2009

Just one week

[Just slipping in for a quick hello...]

As we were driving to church this morning I was reflecting on all that has changed in our lives in just one week.

Last week on the way to church I was fully pregnant.
This week I am no longer pregnant.

Last week I was wearing maternity clothes.
This week I was wearing regular clothes.

Last week we had an empty seat in the van.
This week our infant seat was buckled in with a tiny cutie inside of it.

Last week we wondered if the baby was a boy or a girl.
This week we held our baby girl.

Last week we got four children ready for church.
This week we got five children ready for church.

Last week I wasn't breastfeeding.
This week I am. [And, um... Ouch. I'd forgotten how sore new breastfeeding-breasts are. And Audra is a vigorous little nurser with a strong suck. Yipes!]

Last week they announced the birth of a new baby during church.
This week they announced the birth of OUR baby during church.

Last week my water broke at church.
This week I held our Audra in church.

One week.

It's been wonderful. I am sore, exhausted, emotional, and quite honestly feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of these two littlest ones needing mama so much of the time-- and yet, I am so incredibly grateful, joyful and content.

A good friend of ours has organized meals for us for these first two weeks, and several have also delivered freezer meals.

Mark has two full weeks off, and then works part-time for the next two (how wonderful is that? I know it. I am so blessed.)

My mom has been over every.single.morning to help with the laundry, the dishes, the cleaning, the kids... whatever needs to be done. And that has been a HUGE blessing. This is the first time I've had regular help after the birth of a baby- and it has been *wonderful*.

Ella, Isaac and Adelia have been sick all week long (the congested, coughing variety), so that has been a little extra taxing. We are hoping and praying that Audra won't get sick, and trying to keep the kids as separate as we can without making too much fuss over it. Mark has held off until today, and now he's feeling sick, too. We'd love your prayers for health in our home!

I can't wait to tell you the whole birth story. I'm working on it-- in little snatched moments, here and there. [Fewer and farther between, those moments.]

Thank you all for rejoicing with us in the birth of our Audra. She is precious, and we are so grateful for yet another gift from God. I wept this morning in church as we sang a song with words from Psalm 30:

You have turned my mourning into dancing,
You have turned my sorrow into joy.

The tears fell because I well remember being in that same building, years ago-- worshiping through tears, and praying for God to answer our heart's desire for children.

And this morning? Surrounded by them.
Our first: a delightful seven-year old Ella, tall with a blonde braid down her back.
Our second: a sweet five-year old Isaac, lean and smiling.
Our third: our adopted nearly-four-year old Isaias, standing straight and handsome.
Our fourth: our adopted one-year old Adelia, beautiful and snuggly in mama's arms.
And now, our fifth: lovely little one-week old Audra, cuddled in her proud papa's arms until mama was able to pry her away for the last five minutes of service.

Every single one of our children: given by God in His perfect timing.

My heart is so full, friends.


  1. Rejoicing with you at ALL of God's blessings in your life. And praying for renewed energy and help. I was going to pray for rest... but I have a feeling that may be a little ways off yet. ;-)

    Hope to see you all soon and meet sweet Audra.

  2. and just in case you all missed this one point (hidden as it was amongst the thoughts of our children)...

    She said, "This week I was wearing regular clothes." That's right ... her regular clothes. And, might I add, she was looking real fine in them too.

    - Mark

  3. Um, excuse me? REGULAR CLOTHES??? Yah, Mark, I didn't miss that line. Harumph. I still look pregnant.

    Stacy, you know I'm just ten months ahead of you in this back-to-back baby thing. I am praying for you, dear girl, and you are welcome to email me anytime.


  4. Stacy, Audra is so sweet and so adorable! And seriously...who looks that gorgeous a week after having a baby?

    I have prayed for health and rest for you in the midst of having your hands full. (And praised God with you that you have your hands full!!!)

  5. I love this post!! you made me cry!!!!
    Blessings upon blessings, dear Stacy!!

  6. Yes, Stacy, you are blessed with a beautiful family! i'm smiling with you!!

  7. Such a lovely post. God is so good! I will be praying for health in your household!

  8. Our Loving Father, God, thank you for the many, many blessings that you have granted my own family as well as the families of my friends. You are a God of love and protection and we thank you for that now. We also ask You, Lord, to continue to provide health and healing for these friends that long to give glory to You in all that they do. May you lift them out of these illnesses and grant them energy that they might continue to enjoy the abundant blessings that they have received. In Your precious and holy name I pray...amen.

  9. You sure are blessed, my eyes are full of tears.

    I will be praying for health for you.

    AND what a wonderful mama you have.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  10. Hi Stacy :) So good to hear from you - happy one week! We are praying for everyone to be well and that you and tiny little miss A will stay well. Love & hugs, Q

  11. Regular clothes?! That is so unfair!

    Beautiful pictures. Fun thoughts to hear from you.

    What a week!

  12. Ah - this post brought me joy. And I am thinking of you and your sick family, dear friend. I'm going to pray for you right now. How God continues to bless! Beautiful pictures!!!!

  13. You made me cry too! So happy for you, what a gift these little people are to us. Your story is one of God's faithfulness! He truly gives us so much more then we could ever imagine.
    I will pray for you and your families health. Have thought of you often this past week. So glad to hear you have help...I'm sure it makes such a difference.
    One day at a time my friend :o)

  14. LOVE YOU!!!!!! This is delightful!

    We too had the back-to-back babies (only 362 days apart, thankyouverymuch) so I can RELATE to what you are going through.

    May God bless you with his abundant peace!!!


  15. Oh what a houseful of blessings you have! Waht a precious new little gift from God. Aren't babies just the best? I loved stopping by here and plan to come back!

    In Him,

  16. I had that same boppy pillow with Mollie! Brings back memories. Your post was beautiful and so is your sweet Audra! I will pray for rest, patience, and health for you and your family!

  17. I had that same boppy pillow with Mollie! Brings back memories. Your post was beautiful and so is your sweet Audra! I will pray for rest, patience, and health for you and your family!

  18. What a beautiful, encouraging, hope-giving, God-glorifying post, Stacy! I am praising Him with you and beseeching Him for you and your family's health. Love to all (and a special kiss to that sweet little Audra),

  19. Ella looks so cute holding her sister!


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