16 May 2009

Parenting resource

Kendra recently provided a link to Covenant Life's series on The Parenting Years.

I've only listened to one so far (the one called Training, Discipline and the Rod), and it was excellent. I found it to be a great reminder of why we do what we do. It left me thinking that we're doing a lot right, but it was also an encouragement to me to reapply myself to those areas I have been neglecting.

Mark downloaded the MP3 onto his iPod so that he can listen to it, too- and when he's done, we can talk about it together.

I really appreciated Brian Chesemore's practical approach: his message is filled with several examples from his own experience with his young children, and he describes how they handle various infractions in their own home. It's one of my favorite things to read a parenting book or come away from a blog or message that has given a "this is how we do it" approach. (Especially if you agree with how they're doing it! :))

Anyway: here's the link again. This is a valuable resource. It's worth your time. Listen and be encouraged!

[And thanks again, Kendra, for the link!]


  1. I read the notes on the same one and also found it very encouraging. Great resource for sure.

  2. I have listened to the first one for the 0-5 age too. I am looking forward to the next age group now that my little girl is 9 ....yikes.
    And I will listen to it again in a year or so as a refresher for Eli :o)

    I attend a Sovereign Grace Church and am so grateful for the many, many resources they provide for families.

  3. Cara,
    How fun! :)

    Yes- I'm going to listen to the next one up, too!


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