06 July 2009

Open House: Monday, July 6

I am wearing... jeans, olive green shirt, my hair in a ponytail.

I am listening to... Ella and Isaac whispering, playing Legos together for their quiet time. Also Audra's little noises as she watches them from her bouncy seat. And just now Adelia, murmuring from her crib, having just woken from her nap.

I am reading... The Hole in Our Gospel

I am looking forward to... Inspiration to hit for dinner tonight. (HA! It's 4:03. Perhaps a better use of my time right now would be to work on a dinner plan?)

I am thinking... I'll make pizza for dinner. I know we have ham and cheese. And olives. No pineapple, though. But pizza dough and sauce are easy to whip up. There. I feel better already.

In the yard/garden...
Lots of lettuce! We have about eight varieties of lettuce happily growing in our garden, which means lots of salads for us of late!

Our rhubarb is still growing happily, my basil looks great, the corn was *just* knee-high by the Fourth of July, the cucumber plants hearty, the carrots and squash also coming up.

Praying for... my little brother who had a bike accident last night and broke his arm, our friends who are adopting from Ethiopia, and whoever we draw out of our prayer bowl.

Thankful for...
*a fun and family-filled fourth of July~ with Mark's side of the family
*lots of birthday love on Friday to celebrate my 34th birthday. (Which still feels young to me. Especially since a few days prior to my birthday, I was telling people I was turning 35. By the time Mark straightened me out on my actual age, I was feeling a whole year younger!)
*the fact that Mark should be home from work within the hour
*a cooler day
*progress on the laundry today
*children who happily do chores
*and helped with much of the laundry-folding today
*after-naptime snuggles
{Which means I'm signing off. I just got Adelia up and am not gonna miss these sweet cuddles. She'll be off and running in a few minutes!}


  1. Hi Stacy :) Enjoyed catching up with you here! Happy birthday a little late - so glad it was a good one. And, wow! I like the idea of being a year younger... Love, Q

  2. Stacy - i just loved your list here! You have such an awesome family - your kids are just adorable.

    Thanks for sharing today.

  3. I spent a couple minutes yesterday morning thinking about how old I am - I seriously wasn't sure. "Is it 36?? No, it's 35, wait...what year was I born, okay subtract that and that must be my age". Haha. I just am not too sure anymore. Pretty sure I settled on 35. ;-)

  4. Happy birthday Stacy!

    You are such an organized busy mama. Love it.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  5. This was a fun peek into your day! Hope you enjoyed those after-nap snuggles.

    And happy, happy birthday!

  6. Thanks for this little window, Stacy!
    And knowing what's for dinner is so nice, isn't it?!
    I'm thankful for the cooler weather, too!!

  7. Enjoyed reading your blog. LOVE the pics of your children. So neat. Will be back :)


  8. Your pizza sounds good and your garden sounds great!
    And I love reading all the things for which you are thankful!

  9. Got your note sweet friend. Storming heaven for you...will drop you a line after I spend some time before God, on your behalf.

    absolutely love you.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted


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