11 September 2009

ABC hunt

Apparently I was SO wrong about my earlier comment of not doing anything with Isaac for Kindergarten.

Last week I discovered that he wants to do school.


And here I thought he'd welcome the opportunity to play.

Well, then.

What to do?

I'm a little unprepared for what-to-do for Kindergarten, since it wasn't really on my radar.

I hurriedly printed off some worksheets for letter practice that he can do while Ella does her own writing/math, etc at the table.

And, um... each day so far I've tried to come up with something- for him to do that we can call "Kindergarten".

Then my mom had the brilliant idea to choose a couple of days a week for Isaac's Kindergarten days (so that I don't have to come up with something for him to do every day).

So Tuesdays and Thursdays, on the white board, it says "Isaac: Kindergarten".

This morning it said "ABC hunt" beneath that.

Which intrigued all three older children. All morning long they were asking what an "ABC hunt" was, and when did Isaac get to do it, and could they do it, too?

Here's what it was: while I worked on school with Ella, I asked Isaac to write down all the letters of the alphabet. He did this, in his careful, oh-so-cute capital letters. (Don't you just love the way your little ones form their letters? They're so wobbly and cute.)

And then his task was to go through the house and hunt for all the ABC's. When he found each letter, he was to circle it on his paper. He *loved* this, and was so creative in scurrying about the house, finding letters (boxes/cans in the kitchen, CDs and books, notes and magnets on the fridge, etc). The only rule was that he could only find one letter per place (ie: No standing in front of the world map and circling every letter of the alphabet, or finding ten of the letters from one book. You get the idea.)

When Ella finished her work, she wanted to do her own ABC hunt, so I tailored it a bit for her: I asked her to write down all of her letters, uppercase and lowercase, and then find an item in the house that began with each letter of the alphabet. Then she was to write the word on her paper next to the letter. Heck, she could have even drawn a picture, too- but we didn't get that far.

Okay, so now you get to tell me what you're doing (or have done) for the Kindergarten (pre-reading) age, because clearly we're not doing this every day, as fun as it was! :) Comment away on your favorite Kindergarten resources, would you please? I could use a little help!


  1. Okay this is what we did for Daniel pre-reading:
    I would choose a letter for the day, off the top of my head, while I was sitting down with him at the table. Let's say I chose F.

    I would draw something on a piece of paper that started with F. Maybe a fireman. Then I would draw Fs all over the paper in different ways- some letters can be you know written with a curly tail or not... I would also draw other letters that weren't Fs.

    He would circle the Fs and color the fireman. And we'd talk about the sound F made.

    Looking at Isaac's great letters, he may be beyond this! But that's what we did until I got through all the letters with Daniel!

    Oh I also had a box of things to sort and count: rocks, nuts in their shells, those ceramic animals that come from Rose Tea brand boxes. We made patterns with them and talked about biggest to smallest, I think too.

    Have fun!!

  2. I love your ABC hunt...what a good idea! And his letters look great!

    Jack's starting kindergarten now too, although by nature of the fact that he's my oldest, our kindergarten activities are probably more involved than what you're looking for. I'm using the My Father's World unit studies for both Jack and Delaney, plus the Handwriting Without Tears pre-k workbook, plus some reading work that I'm pretty much winging.

    Have you seen the Cuisenaire Rods Alphabet Book? They have two pages dedicated to each letter where you use the rods to form the letter, do some simple exercises in patterns and math concepts, and then form a few pictures of things that start with that letter.

    Along that same line are those pattern blocks with the corresponding pattern books. We like those too.

    I'd love to hear what you end up doing with him!

  3. Stacy...What a wonderful creative idea! I would want to stay in your kindergarten for-evah! How sweet that your mom gives you ideas and help with your beauties!

    somethings we've done over the years of K...

    Books on tape (with the book) are lots of fun, magnetic pattern blocks are fun, as well as letters, picture and words that are magnetic (use on the fridge, a cookie sheet or dishwasher ...or even a metal door.) Make your own magnet pictures with magnet tape, old magazines and laminate sheets (they'll last longer).

    Let them keep drawing notebooks, date and label each picture, as they will be *precious* for many years to come.

    Work on an *all about me* book...one page at a time. (what is my name, where do I live, about my family, my favorite food, my special toy, a song I love...this too will be a treasure in years to come.

    A stash of homemade playdough, tucked away in the fridge, comes in handy for all sorts of learning.

    a plastic tablecloth and some shaving cream can be tons of learning fun too, as they get to practice letters, make pictures or just draw shapes to pass another day at school in not such an ordinary way.

    I am sure the Holy Spirit will give you lots of great fun learning ideas (as I know He so faithfully has before.)

    love you;
    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  4. Patern blocks, "My montessori journey blog", "1+1+1=1 blog", "Chassing Cherios blog", Leap Frog videos: math circus, letter factory. Kumon books (sold at Wee Ones on James St.) Sort legos by attributes into muffin tin by color, size, purpose, length, width. Drawing verses of the Bible: 10 Commandments, Ps 23, Lord's Prayer,ect. Number hunt: take a ruler around trying to find something of each number.
    Tami S

  5. I'm following along with this blog : www.thewellroundedmama.com/

    She is so creative, and I'm at a loss for these kinds of hands on Kindergarten activities.

    We also use the Before the Code from the Explode the Code series for my little non-readers. They've all loved those books!

  6. ooh great idea!! Just might put that one to use next week! Thanks~


  7. I give my prek and 1st graders notebooks - one for English and one for Math each. The preK is just a lot of tracing and practicing writing letters and numbers, but I agree his letters look great so maybe you can move on to having him write sight words. Good luck, also I was moved to tears by your last post! I royally stink at parenting my 3 girls most days, but I guess if I was all good all the time I would have no need for Jesus. thank you for these last two posts!

  8. What a good idea!! I am doing NOTHING yet. ;-) I might try this idea with Hannah, she is pretty good at recognizing letters.

  9. Hi Stacy :)
    Great alphabet game! My sweeties would like that, too.

    Some ideas:

    A biggie for my little ones is/was a schedule that they can learn like: Monday - worksheets, Tuesday - building sets, Wednesday - worksheets, Thursday - book chair, Friday - nature day

    I can fill you in on what we did for building, book and nature days if you want to know. Let me know :)

    Another thing they like/liked: theme months or weeks.

    Also, a trip to the library to pick out their own books was fun, and they had a little ownership in the "schooling" with them :)

    Love & hugs, Q

  10. Okaaay, I love the alphabet hunt! we will SOOOO be doing this!

    I was inspired by so many of your readers' comments - I have book-marked this post so I can come back and read them later when I am actually lesson-planning.... tonight!:)

    As for kindergarten, we are doing a few different things... with only two, it's hard to not include Timmy in all the 1st grade things that Emma is doing. He does science, geography, history, bible, character development, art, and p.e. all with his 1st grade sister. Math he does alone and Reading/Writing he does alone as well.

    He is already reading, so it is mostly a matter of me having enough books of his level that he can read whenever he wants.

    For his writing practice, I am having him to a "letter a week book" so like this week he will be doing a C book. (3rd week of school) He will make a cover page, do 3 days of letter practice, color a few pages of pics that start with that letter. I also try to have him do a craft that begins with said letter, and one 5x7 page of an "enhanced" flashcard.
    These flashcards are simply a pre-cut BLANK 5x7 cardstock, on which I trace lightly the letter, and he "enhances" it with some glue and some medium like buttons, cheerios, yarn, etc. We are putting these up throughout the school room. oh, and I chose 5x7 rather than 8x10 so they will take up less room since we also have state flags that we are posting around the room. ;)

  11. Can I just say that I love those little hands making those letters and carefully circling them? What a dear boy our Isaac is.

    Thanks for coming up with this fun and creative project for him. You're the best homeschool teacher ever!

    - Mark

  12. Wow! You guys gave some great ideas/resources! :) I added a page to my lesson plan binder entitled, "Kindergarten ideas", and I'm filling it right up with so many of your suggestions!

    Today we implemented your "All About Me" book idea, Kimmie! (LOVE that one!) Isaac was truly thrilled. :)

    Thank you all!


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