30 November 2009

A break

We've just wrapped up our last day of school before we break for the holiday season. We'll start school up again in early January, so we have lots of time to celebrate!

We've been brainstorming what to do for the next several weeks, and here is our short list (that will surely grow as new ideas get thought up!)

-work on a puzzle
-daddy make Christmas pancakes
-bake gingerbread men
-Christmas movie night!
-play and dance to Christmas music
-get our Christmas tree
-pull out our bin of Christmas books
-buy our new Christmas book
-go to a craft fair with Ella
-cut out snowflakes to hang
-put up outdoor Christmas lights
-playdates with friends
-make a birthday cake for Jesus
-buy and wrap presents
-gifts for Jesus
-make a Christmas sign
-choose gifts from the Samaritan's Purse gift catalog

Ah... such fun awaits us!

The blog will be relatively quiet as we enjoy crossing things off of that list.

I'll resume the current series on school when I return.

Blessings to you and yours for a wonderful Christmas season!


  1. Oh darn, I was so wishing the series would be finished before Christmas, so I could take our break to, um, reevaluate. :) Sigh, patience in all things, I suppose.

    Have a LOVELY break! We have two weeks left of school in 2009 and will be hard at work to "shore up" before we take a nice long Christmas break as well!

  2. Fun! We're taking the month of December off from school too. LOVE that! Enjoy your holidays, Stacy!

  3. Enjoy your time off. Hope you and your family have a great Christmas!

  4. Love your list - have fun crossing things off!!

  5. Bless you. maybe I will join you in taking December off the *books*

    I'll take it to the Lord, as we are trying to finish up early with the adoption (s?) coming in winter/spring.

    The month off would be such joy!

    No blogging. maybe even better.

    bless you...love you my sweet dear precious friend.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

    *expecting...from Ethiopia!

  6. Hi Stacy :) What a great list! We are praying for you daily and thinking of you so often - and we hope that you have a lovely Christmas season.

    Give hugs for us, and an extra 'specially big one to Miss E on Thursday :)

    Love you! Q (&co)

  7. Stace...
    Well, finishing up the series by Christmas was the original plan, but then I realized I'd rather not have anything I *had* to do, so I decided to wait. I am sorry to interrupt it midway through, though!

    Love to you, and have a wonderful break yourselves! :)

    Isn't that the BEST? One of the things I love about homeschooling: choose your own schedule! :) Have a wonderful MONTH, cute Jodi!

    You, too!

    We will. And are! The kids spent the morning carefully cutting out snowflakes with Mark, so that's one more thing off the list. :)

    Oh, do it, Kimmie! (Take December off). I highly recommend it. :)

    Blessings to you, too~ dear Kimmie.

    Thank you, sweet Quinne! Ella is gazing at her box from Miss M on the hour, it seems, ~smile~ and it has definitely made the anticipation that much greater! :) I'll hug her for you on Thursday! :)


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