19 January 2010

School after breakfast: Books we've read aloud

When we began reading chapter books aloud to our kids, I decided to get smart and write down every book we read aloud. I figure that way we can re-read the same good books a few years from now when everyone is a little older.

At some point I'd love to add a short excerpt of what each book was about (because although I remember now what each of these books was about, I know I'll forget), but for now I've just made note of our favorites using this little system:

* the kids' favorites
From time to time I'll ask the kids what their favorite read-alouds have been, and I've noted (*) which ones they've remembered and enjoyed.
**a favorite of daddy and mommy
I've selected our favorites (**) based on the story and content. Although all the books on this list are good books, some are better suited for reading independently, or just didn't have that "couldn't put it down" quality. These, for us, were the exceptional books; ones I know we'll want to return to.
*** then, is a favorite for ALL of us

{A (D) indicates that Daddy read that one, in the evenings before bedtime. All the others I've read.}

Here was our read-aloud list for this past year, 2009:

Mountain Born**
The Family Under the Bridge
Incident at Hawk's Hill*** (D)
The Door in the Wall (D)
Winnie the Pooh*** (D)
Rascal (D)
The King's Daughters
The Wind and the Willows (D)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory*** (D)
Twenty and Ten**
A Lion to Guard Us
Davy Crockett: From the Backwoods of Tennessee to the Alamo (D) this one was pretty dry
A Little Princess***
James and the Giant Peach* (D)
Return to Hawk's Hill*** (D)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe*** (D)
Prince Caspian*** (D)
The Boxcar Children (audio)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader*** (D)
The Borrowers*
The Silver Sword*** (D)
Treasures of the Snow***
The Sign of the Beaver***
The Silver Chair*** (D)
The Horse and His Boy*** (D)
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH***
Jotham's Journey (for advent)

For those who are interested, I also have book lists from 2007 and 2008. I've also kept a list of all the books Ella read on her own in 2008 and 2009. Let me know if you'd like me to post any of those.

Next up: Narrations


  1. This is such great information! I've had book list on my brain lately. I'd love to hear the list of the ones she read independently too.

    Thank you for taking the time to type this all up!


  2. Thank you! It's really helpful to see which books you and the kids liked best. I would personally love any and all book lists you have time to post. Thanks Stacy. :)

  3. It's fun to see how many of those we have read aloud too!

    Renee B.

  4. Thanks for sharing this! We're always looking for new books.

  5. That is some good reading. I am hankering for a trip to the library. I never replaced my library card when my purse was stolen in September...I think it is time!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  6. Thanks Stacy! I'm addicted to book lists.

  7. Hi Stacy :) Thanks for the great list, and we would love to see Ella's list if you have time to post it!

    Thanks so much for the sweet note and for your prayers! I love those verses from Zephaniah - they are rich with the Father's lovingkindness, and my heart just swells reading them.

    All is well here. Waiting for one last test, and we are expecting an "all clear".

    Love you & hugs to all of your sweeties ~ Q

  8. We are always looking for new book suggestions, so any list you wish to publish would be fine with us. I keep a read-aloud list, too, and it is fun to go back and see what books we feasted upon...and which ones we do not care to return to.

  9. Wow, your list is long.It was neat to see what you all liked.Thank you for the suggestions.We're reading Twice Free and Cheaper By The Dozen now...Five Little Peppers next.
    I would also like to see your daughter's list.My girls are voracious readers, and we're running out of "suggestions" right now, and going at some books "blindly"...which is never good.
    - Kathi

  10. I see you had Jotham's Journey on your list.....were your little kiddos able to follow the story? I was thinking of reading it next Christmas, but I wasn't sure if it was good for "littles"

  11. Great list...thanks for sharing. I'd like to read some of those just for myself! :)


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