11 February 2010

Current read-alouds

What we're reading to the kids right now:

Thank you to Rebecca for the historical fiction series recommendation. We're enjoying this series so far. It's been great for the boys (Vikings!) and for Ella, too (one of the main characters is a girl).

Mark is still reading the Narnia series to us all in the evenings...

On that note: a few days ago I learned that my boys (4 and 6) both think that there's a certain picture frame at grandma's house that if they could just reach it and open it, will lead them into Narnia. They truly think this, and we are enjoying coming up with all sorts of scenarios with them about what adventures they might take if they truly make it. :)


  1. My kids love the Viking series ...Tia just said..."I love Bri."

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  2. That is awesome about the picture frame! I love boys!

  3. So sweet.

    At times, I long to have the mind of a child again.

  4. stacy,
    i have visited your blog so many times and don't think that i've ever commented! amazing, how we can read about and begin to "know" strangers in this cyber-world ... what a treat, really, in that i've gleaned so much inspiration and encouragement from you. i decided i should finally "introduce" myself!

  5. Hi Stacy! So pleased to have found your blog this morning. :) I found you via Kimmie's blog. You have absolutely beautiful children, all 5 of them! I've been inspired to find this historical fiction series for my children - and we plan on starting Narnia as soon as we finish our current book, Little Men. :)
    Saminda xo


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