10 July 2010

The weeding fairy

Remember when I wrote this yesterday?
Our week has been full of backyard fun: splashing in the kiddie pool and eating meals on the patio, hanging clothing on the line to dry, mowing, sidewalk chalk and painting. And me, looking at our vegetable garden every day and wishing someone else would come and weed it. I'm still waiting. I just don't have it in me to get up and do it myself.


This morning as Mark was leaving for work, he was startled to find someone bent over in our garden, weeding away.

That someone was my mom, bless her serving heart.

And she doesn't even read my blog.

She just "had this thought" during the night that she should come up and weed our garden for us.

How blessed are we? [And how good is God to put that on her heart when it's been something both Mark and I would like to do but haven't exactly been able to?]

Three cheers for my wonderful mother!


  1. sure she doesn't want to take a trip across the border?? (just kidding)

    Moms are a blessing

  2. Oh! That's wonderful!

    I had a similar experience when I found my husband weeding away in our garden this week somewhat unexpectedly.

    Grow, vegetables, grow!

  3. *grin*

    Sandi~ not sure I could convince her of that! ;)

    SO nice! :)

  4. What a blessing, and what a wonderful mother you have!


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