21 August 2010

A worthwhile read for mothers with young children and messy houses

[Oh, that's you? The one with the little noisy ones and the cluttered house? Thought so. Me, too!]

This was just what I needed this morning.

As a matter of fact, I am going to print this out and post it into the front of my journal so that I can read it *frequently*.

Again, head over to Ann's. It's the first letter she posts. The one that begins with the words

Dear Ann,

All of my chicks have left the nest...

You can click on the link above to read it.

And then smile at your own mess and go laugh and play with your children. They are so precious.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing that!! It is just what I needed to read today! We returned home this morning from a week long vacation in North Carolina, I was standing in the laundry room looking at everything that needed to be put away and washed and thinking how to get it all done. Then I decided to catch up on my blogs first and read this. The laundry can wait til the kids are in bed, I am going to play :)


  2. The other day, when you posted about the Sisterhood, I had not yet taken the time to read...and then, once I saw your post, I did. And it was Amazing.

    This morning, I lost my breath again, as I read my email from AHE. The "little extras" that come with my daily email are almost as good as her blog...almost.


  3. Stacy,
    Thank you so much. God is so good because this is just what I needed to read - right now. This is indeed something I need to be reminded of. I've been struggling with a messy house this week and a to-do list as long as my arm. So easy, at these times, to forget these important things. So easy to bemoan instead of to appreciate, cherish, remember, savor. Thanking God for this encouragement that came from you and from Ann.

  4. Hey Stacy - Melanie here. Thanks for posting - so true. I have been thinking a lot abou this lately - how things in the short term sometimes seem so chaotic but in the long term are what is most precious. I actually wrote about it recently in my blog
    Hope to see you soon,


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