03 October 2010

New blog design!

If you read my blog via a reader, click over so that you can see what my blog looks like now!

(Isn't it the cutest blog design you've *ever* seen in your whole life?)

Thought so.

The amazingly creative Debi put this together for me. I am positively thrilled at how it turned out, and Debi is so talented and was wonderful to work with.

{Thank you, Debi!}


  1. Simple and gorgeous!! LOVE IT!!! :)

  2. wow beautiful. what a blessing.
    i'm playing with mine too. it's fun-and frustrating.
    i love reading your homeschool posts. you have a gentle spirit/way of teaching your kids. i also appreciate you sharing books you enjoy as a family.

  3. Wow. Amazing. This blog is breathtaking.

    That space ... just me being speechless.

    Every time I click over here, I catch my breath. (Which is about every 45 seconds or so, because who would want to watch NFL highlights on NFL.com when they could be gazing at the polka dots, flowering tree, entrancing green swoop, and the font style and color ... Lord, have mercy ... it's too much.)

    Seriously, I think you and Debi did a real nice job putting this together. It really is a cute blog, especially those three girls in the picture on the top of the sidebar.

    Loving you!

  4. Adorable Stacy! And even though you weren't expecting it.. I'll bet it was fun to freshen things up a bit.

  5. Mark: Smart aleck. (But I do love your space for speechlessness. That made me laugh.)

    Everyone else: Thanks for being genuinely excited with me and liking it so much along with me!

  6. This is so gorgeous! So you! So amazing of Debi- although, I shouldn't be surprised... she's almost like a best-kept secret! The world should know... :)

    I really love it. (and I love Mark's comment. He and my hubby would be great friends, I know it. They love their wives madly, and are so intertwined with us...)

    Love him, love you! xoxo

  7. I love it! It's so sweet and simple. Love love love it. :)

  8. So fabulous...love it, it is so you.

    Happy you have a new place to share you journey with us. It is light and bright, just like you my dear, dear friend.

  9. :)
    I love it!
    I should get a blog!....oh, wait.....


  10. Beautiful!!! Lovfe it!


  11. It is adorable! So perfect.

  12. this is absolutely adorable!! precious! delicious, even. :) darling!


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