21 March 2011

Books we're reading

I always like to hear what people are reading. I'm always reading something, and it's been awhile since I've posted a list. Here's what we're currently reading at our house:

I'm reading through the Bible this year, and am on week 12 and am not even behind in my reading! (which never ever has happened when I've tried to do this in the past, so I'm quite happy about it!) I have this trusty little sheet in the back of my journal with all these rows of boxes to check off and I love filling in the little boxes. It's a good system. Generally when I read the Bible, I tend to "camp out" in one portion of Scripture for a length of time, so I found it challenging at first to be skipping around so much. Now that I have settled in, though, I'm really enjoying it. Because I just really love God's Word!

I've just finished reading Wendell Berry's Hannah Coulter and thoroughly enjoyed it. Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but *totally* mine. I kept reading aloud portions to Mark~ about love, home, community, work, family, children and the land. So good. I'll be reading more of his books in the near future.

I'm almost finished with Nancy Leigh DeMoss' book Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness: A Revive Our Hearts Trilogy and I have really enjoyed it. I've never read anything by DeMoss before, but after reading this book I have the utmost respect for her and her relationship with God. I highly recommend this book.

I'm also still in the midst of Ann's book One Thousand Gifts. Her book, like her blog, has encouraged me to stop hurrying around already, to slow down, to savor *this* moment, every one of them (even the difficult ones), and to be grateful.

The kids and I just finished the missionary biography Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime and we were amazed together at Aylward's tenacity. We love reading missionary biographies together, and the kids kept requesting "just one more chapter, please?" Music to my ears. :)

Mark just finished up a book with the kids and they're moving on to The Wind in the Willows next. Mark started reading it awhile back and then set it down for something a little more, um- riveting, (or maybe it was because I groaned every time he picked it up. Ugh. I have never personally understood the attraction to that book.) Isaac has reminded us for several months that we never finished it and that he wants to, so... I will contain myself.

The little girls adore all books. Audra especially wants to read any book that contains a lot of kitties within its pages, so that she can exclaim over each and every one.

Adelia is no longer content with me paraphrasing the words of each book. I often do that for the little ones, largely because I know they will not sit through all the words before they'll want to turn to the next page, so rather than get cut off in the middle of each page, I just paraphrase. Recently Adelia has begun saying: "Mommy. Are you reading that? Read that. What does it say?" Okay, then. My days of paraphrasing are officially over.

What are you reading at your house these days?


  1. Your family is all going to be a bunch of great readers! I have been reading a lot of nonfiction health books lately. I need to mix it up with some great fiction!

  2. We are just starting the same Gladys Aylward - my kids are amazed at how God protected her. And we are in the last chapter read-aloud of Winnie the Pooh. I read it to them when they were younger, but this time it is really working - my 9yr old boy laughs out loud and the 6 and 7 yr olds giggle. The baby just climbs on us and generally enjoys the reading pile-up. I love reading your list - I'm between books for me. Just finished the Mysterious Benedict Society series - read it to preview for my oldest - we have loved those books. Great adventures. I was just looking at the library website to request Francine Rivers' latest two - I love her.
    I love reading about your sweet family - Bless You Today!!

  3. Hi, I am not sure I have left a comment here before, but I enjoy reading your blog. I agree about "The Wind in the Willows", my son enjoyed it, and there were a few parts I enjoyed, but I didn't think it was that great either.

    I just finished reading "Mansfield Park" by Jane Austen, and I haven't started another book yet. I am also reading through the Bible, and I was caught up last weekend, but I think I am behind again . . .

    To my family I am reading "The Long Winter" -- we started it during a blizzard and haven't finished yet because I want to read when everyone is here. To my boys I am reading "The Burgess Bird Book for Children". And to my seven-year-old I am reading "The Children's Homer" by Padriac Colum. My husband just finished reading "Kavik The Wolf Dog" by Walt Morey to our boys; I only heard one chapter and don't know much about it but my boys seemed to really enjoy it. We have been on spring break from homeschool for three weeks now so we have been enjoying more chapter books than usual. :)

  4. I love Wendell Berry's fiction too. So deep and wise and good. I think Wind in the Willows is lovely! I love the pace of it. But the Gladys Aylward bio? We tried that a few years ago and couldn't take it at all. *hee*

    Isn't it funny how different tastes and different seasons make us receive books different from each other?

    Love that your family has so many books going!

    We are finishing up To Kill a Mockingbird and we are stuck in the middle of The Two Towers...we'll pick it up again soon.

  5. Teri~
    I hope this means that they'll all be great readers. It's my plan! :)

    I know! Isn't that amazing? Such a courageous woman, and I love how God took care of her.
    I *adore* Winnie the Pooh- and totally agree that it's more for the older crowd than the younger. I've been thinking it's about time we pulled it out again. :)

    Thank you for sharing your list! (I really like Francine Rivers, too!)

    Blessings to you and yours today, Julie!

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!
    Oh, I love Jane Austen. I have a set by my bed I am itching to get into. :)
    Blessings to you as you catch up on your Bible reading! :)
    Ah... The Long Winter is one of our favorites, too! And we have really liked the Burgess books. Thanks for your book list-- I love hearing what others are reading! :)

    Yes. Really wise and good, that W. Berry!
    And I think it's great that you like Wind in the Willows so much! :) Oh, I can't wait until the kids are old enough for us to read aloud To Kill a Mockingbird. I love that book. (Two Towers.. never read. Will do, though. It's on my list.)

    Blessings to each one of you!


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