17 October 2011


"Oh, Marilla," Anne exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it? Look at these maple branches. Don't they give you a thrill-- several thrills? I'm going to decorate my room with them."

* * *

{Things I like in October}

-apples, especially honeycrisp
-clean, brisk air
-huge maple leaves
-crunchy leaves to step on while walking
-pumpkin-y candles
-chex mix
-living in a neighborhood with trees all around us
-the colors of the trees: reds, yellows, oranges, browns, and fading greens
-leaves falling into our yard
-the return of socks and slippers
-cozy hats

-blustery days
-butternut squash
-pumpkins on porches
-wearing these shoes again
-homemade bread (which I have yet to make, but I have every intention to do so, and soon.)
-pumpkin-y baked goodness (breads, cookies, scones, cakes)
-how pretty the grass looks with the colored leaves on it
-1000-piece puzzles

(#'s 1679- 1705, One Thousand Gifts)

What would make your list?


  1. Oh! I love all of yours. And I love how you began this post.

    And I never knew about those Danskos! Cute! I have the same style but without the design. Now I feel jipped. ;-)

  2. Front porches with pumpkins
    Pumpkin patches with my children
    college game day on sat. mornings
    All those fall scented candels and the anticipation of Thanksgiving

  3. Love this list and love Anne of Green Gables! Great post! :)

  4. How I love your list! All my favorite things of Fall:) Pumpkins, apples, leaves... Thanks for sharing!

  5. Cutzi~
    ~smile~ Well, that was the only picture I could find that was similar to the ones I have. Mine are the basic black Mary Jane Danskos. I guess there is a little stitching detail on mine, but the detail is not *quite* that cute. There. Feel better? ;)

    Oh yeah! All of those are good ones! We haven't been out to the pumpkin patch yet but that event would make my list, for sure. :) Football would make my husband's list, but it's not officially on mine yet. ;)

    Ah, yes. Anne Shirley. Expressive about even the months! Love that girl. :) Have a great day, Heather!

    Thanks for commenting! :)


  6. And how cute you looked at the Saturday flag football game! You rocked those boots, sweater & scarf.

  7. cider, bonfires, walking in the woods with leaves crunching underfoot, socks that have been drawered all summer coming out on my toes...

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  8. Layers!! I get excited about wearing layers again in the fall AND about the possibility of being cold. Because if I'm cold, I can wear layers!

    (This mommy never seemed to lose the hormonal effects of pregnancies that make her hot all the time.)

    Fall and winter mean I might cool down a bit!


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