11 June 2012

Daybook: June 11, 2012

Outside... sunshine.  warm, beautiful sunshine.  and we're fully enjoying it today!

In the kitchen... toast, eggs, and smoothies for breakfast (today's smoothie featured frozen blueberries, strawberries, bananas, lots of spinach, yogurt, honey, carrot juice, and coconut water.  and ice.  YUM.)   leftovers for lunch.  no plans yet for dinner.  (homemade pizza, maybe?)

I am thankful for... a new (to us) swing set.  Free!  It is so much sturdier than our old one and providing hours of fun for the kids.

I am wearing... a gray floral tank top from Target, gray shorts.

I am looking forward to... going away with Mark for our 15-year anniversary.  SOON.  Can't wait!  I like him so much and am so excited to have uninterrupted time with my man. 

In the vegetable garden...  things are growing!  Strawberries are on their way, our rhubarb is flourishing and we've enjoyed rhubarb crisp several times already.  Also growing happily: butter lettuce, romaine, spinach, chard, arugula, zucchini, carrots, beans, peas and cucumbers.  Raspberries and blueberries.  Also: pumpkins and squash and lots of basil.  This morning I was able to thin some rows of lettuce, and I divvied up what I pulled between us- resulting in a bag of baby greens in the fridge, and our ducks and chickens, resulting in happy poultry!

In the flower beds... the peonies are in bloom.  I have three bouquets in my house and they make me very happy.  And the hydrangeas are happy I yanked the naughty morning glories off of them yesterday afternoon.  Now they can grow in peace.

I am reading... 1 Peter.  Still memorizing.  I finished memorizing chapter 1 and now I'm on to chapter 2.  Also in 2 Corinthians- chapter 10-- where it talks about taking "captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ".  How's that for a tall order?  I am so thankful that God is helping me to do that... that in His kindness He pulls me up and out of sinful thoughts and behaviors and sets me in the way of triumphing over sin, and choosing obedience to Christ!  

In the schoolroom...  it's perfectly quiet.  We finished testing last week and now we are truly DONE.  I've got my list going of school planning for next year, and I'm slowly checking things off.  A couple of fun things I'm looking forward to, schoolwise... I think I've decided to pair up the kids for chores next year (they're going to love that!) , and I'm going to make "bedroom mailboxes" (giant envelopes to hang on the outside of their doors) so that we can all slip in notes of encouragement to each other.  I'm waiting to unveil these ideas until we begin, and they are going to LOVE these changes.  I'm also looking forward to Ella beginning a Book of Centuries in the fall-- I've been waiting until her 5th grade year--, and I think I'm going to do one of my own, too!

A favorite quote for today... hm.  Here's one that's been on a sticky on my desktop for a long while:

"Celebrate the commonplace since days comprise more of that than anything else."

~a blogger but I forgot to make note of WHICH blogger.  but I loved this and jotted it down.


  1. Congratulations on finishing your school year! A couple more weeks and we'll be done too. We'd love to get together with you guys then. Our place? Or a park? I'll e-mail you soon.

  2. I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the upcoming school year. :)


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