15 December 2012

Thoughts on a Saturday

I'm in the bathroom supervising as the little girls take a bath.  I had the great idea to fill up some water balloons and let them have them in the tub.  Thankfully they don't know about *throwing* water balloons, so they just squished them back and forth and they thought it was great fun, until the balloons popped, one by one, after about 5 minutes.  But they were good sports and picked up their rubber duckies and resumed bath-time play. 

Saturdays are room-clean-up days, and the older three are busily cleaning their rooms.  I plan to go help the boys as soon as the girls are out of the tub.  (Adelia has her quiet times in the boys' room, and most of the mess is due to her, so I feel sorry for them.)

* * *

[later]  Okay, the boys' room is now cleaned and vacuumed.  Ella dutifully (and quickly) tidies up the girls' room each Saturday and I am grateful for her willingness to clean up not just her mess, but the girls' messes, too.

We had a late breakfast this morning- because Ella slept until 10 (!).  Breakfast burritos--- with eggs, sausage, onions, sweet potatoes and monterey jack cheese.  YUM.  Also some little satsuma oranges on the side, which are a staple in our home these days.  (Those and pomegranates.  I cannot get enough of pomegranates this time of year.  I had one for the first time a few years ago and cannot believe I lived so many years without tasting them!

After breakfast we drove out to Mark's route to bring him an eggnog latte.  (I happily got myself an iced vanilla latte, too!)  This is Mark's last day of work before he gets time off for Christmas-- all next week and through Christmas Day!-- so that's cause for a mini-celebration, right?  He's been working so hard and so many long hours and I'm so happy for him that he gets so much time off.

* * *

I keep thinking of all the families suffering in Connecticut, and I am praying for them-- that God would comfort them in this time of grief and that they would draw near to Him through this tragedy.  I think of those dear children and the staff at the school who worked so hard to protect the children in their care.  I think of those in law enforcement and others who came to the scene to help and I am thankful for those who serve in this way.  I think, too- of the young man who did this, and how broken he must have been to commit this act.  I think of how many others in our own communities are hopeless and alone.  May God open our eyes to those around us so that we can reach them with the hope of Christ.

{And- a completely unrelated photo to this post, but I took this picture from my perch on the bed last week: a little knitting project for Christmas.  I'm doing a lot of knitting these days and loving it.}

Now... how are YOU doing?

Blessings to you on your day...

1 comment:

  1. I was in Costco today and passed the different colored sharpies...it brought a hugs smile to my face and warm thoughts of YOU!

    Merry Christmas my friend.


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