26 January 2013


Ah... it's Saturday.  I love Saturdays-- mainly because tomorrow is Sunday and I love church and rest, and it also means it's a guaranteed day off for Mark.  Hooray!

The boys are cleaning their room, Ella is happily reading (she's recently picked up the Betsy-Tacy books again and is immersed in the lives of Betsy and Tacy.)   The little girls have put on their Christmas dresses and are twirling around the living room, dancing to a Seeds Family Worship CD.  I tried to join them (sans the twirly dress) but Audra declared that *just* she and Adelia were dancing.  Then I tried to wash the dishes, but the drain is clogged so that's a no-go, for now.  So rather than fold and put away laundry, which is the other thing I ought to be doing, I've decided to hop online and write a quick post!  

Mark had a birthday recently.  Isaias gave him this card (below) and it was just about the best gift ever.  I love it when kids write.  (What will I do when they can all spell and write neatly?  This makes me so happy!)

Michelle flew from Indiana to visit me recently, and I'm pretty sure she would say that the best part of her visit was that I introduced her to this snack I often eat.  Since it was such a hit with her, I figured I'd better tell you all, too.  Here it is:

Almond butter, coconut extract (I also like almond extract), Greek yogurt, pomegranates, and honey.

I eat this often for breakfast or a nighttime snack.  Sometimes for lunch.  For about a year I ate it without the almond butter, but recently I put a dollop of that on top and I like it even better with the almond butter.  I just put a little yogurt (maybe 1/4 cup?) in the bottom of a bowl, then put a little extract on top of that, then toss some pomegranates on top, then some more, drizzle with a bit of honey and put a dollop of almond butter over it all.  Then I start eating.  And always end up tossing more pomegranates on.  It's delicious.

Here's a picture of our family taken a few days before Christmas.

Now it's time for me to go get lunch ready.  Mark is home for lunch and is working on the drain, bless his heart. 

I hope you're all well!



  1. Your family is so beautiful. Thanks for posting. Blessings, Annie

  2. I love this picture of you guys! I love you guys!

  3. The snack was YUMMY for sure!!!!...but it was NOT the best part of my visit! The best part of my visit, Stacy, was spending time with you! You bless my life so much and I continue to count you as one of God's greatest gifts in my life! THANK YOU to you and your absolutely adorable family for having me. :) I love you MUCH!! :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle. We all love you and had a great time visiting with you (especially ME!)

  4. trying your snack this morning. When you say coconut extract do you mean creamed coconut? not sure what that is...I have coconut oil but know that isn't it.

    1. Sandi~
      No. You'll find extracts somewhere in the baking aisle of your grocery store. Mine are by the spices. (Think of where you purchase your vanilla; then look around for other flavored extracts.)
      Hope you like it! :)

  5. What a fantastic picture! That is worthy of being in a huge frame or canvas print in your home! :-)

    I adore the art I get from my kids (mostly Hannah). So precious and I wish I could keep every little bit of it.


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