22 April 2013

On a Monday morning

I'm just back from an early-morning walk with my mom and the sky is clear and blue.  And Mark has the day off.  I'm thankful.  I have a hunch we'll spend most of the day outside in the yard, "puttering", as Mark calls it.  Seeing what needs to be done and doing it, then moving on to something else that needs to be done.  The kids will play around, too- and usually we'll enlist the older kids to help with something, and they truly enjoy doing it.

Last night we heard the peeps of baby birds in Ella's birdhouse! 

Our rhubarb is flourishing and I'm trying to keep up with it. Yesterday I baked some Rhubarb Pound Cake- and it was delicious, as always.  Last week we made some rhubarb muffins using SouleMama's Leftover Oatmeal muffins recipe (tucked at the bottom of that post).  I just pulled a stalk, diced it and cooked it down a bit before using it in place of the "1/2 cup extra 'somethings'" part of the recipe.  They were yummy.  This week I plan to make some rhubarb crisp.  Mmm!

We lost a chicken a few days ago.  Summer.  We have no idea what happened~ just that we found her- dead, in the coop.  She had no wounds and there had been no signs of illness.  The kids were sad and we will all miss her.  She was a sweet hen.  Mark buried her in our back yard.

Ella took several close-up photos of Summer last week and now she's so glad she did.

Last week I was blessed by the prayer tagged onto the end of this: 

Our son had been rude and bully-ish to his little sister, so I had him copy a verse, 3x- that I'd written on the board: Let all that you do be done in love.  Then I asked him to write out a prayer with that verse in mind- about his relationship with his sister.  He wrote:

Der God, 
I pa that you wod help me be loven to Adelia and you wod hilp me hav self cincstl. 
In Jesus nam

The teacher in me sees lots of room for growth, obviously- in his sounding out skills, spacing, grammar, and spelling.  But the mother in me is blessed by his heartfelt prayer, and the words he used in it.  And I trust in the God who sees this prayer and who has tucked this verse inside my son's heart.

I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. Rhubarb pound cake -- YUMMM.
    I like this post. I like our kids, our home, our life together. I simply love you.


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