11 June 2013


[written last week, but I forgot to post it!]

-We finished our standardized testing today.  I am so relieved.  One of my testers got a little weepy every time he came to a problem that was challenging, so it was a little rough.  I think the whole idea of testing stresses my kids out.  They are never tested until standardized testing rolls around, and then suddenly they feel all this pressure to get.it.exactly.right.  Quite frankly, I don't put much stock in it.  I do it because we have to.  But- truly: I know my kids are doing just fine.  I think they're smart.  And if my son doesn't know how to do division yet?  That's perfectly fine with me.  He will.  He will learn it eventually.

-Now we're officially on summer vacation. 

-I am exhausted.  I began the month of May (or maybe it was even April?) with my normal end-of-the-year zeal to plan for next year: I started making lists, reading, talking with Mark, and praying through ideas-for-next-year.... but in the past few weeks I have completely lost ALL motivation to do anything school-planning related (or meal-planning related, or house-cleaning related...).  I just need rest.  I know I'll get there eventually, but right now I just can't.  I am tired.  Mentally and emotionally, I feel weary. 

-That reminds me of a post I read recently by Jen Hatmaker that was hilarious.  If you're weary at the end of your school year, then go read this: Worst End of School Year Mom Ever.  I was in tears.  It is that funny.

-Last night I printed off this Bible Reading Checklist for Isaac, 9.  I think he'll use it.  He doesn't like to follow a plan.  He'd rather read what he likes when he likes. This is simply a checklist.  Each book and chapter of the Bible is listed, and when you read something, you check it off. 
(HT: Mystie)

-This is also completely random, but since Google reader is closing down as of July 1 and that's the site I've been reading blogs through, I've switched to feedly  and I like it very much.  Just in case anyone else is trying to figure out an alternative to Google reader.

Okay.  That's it.  I hope you're all doing well as you end the school year!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feedly recommendation, Stacy! I tried a different one this week and don't like it [yet?]. I'll give this one a try.
    I'm sorry you're so exhausted (though I can quickly name 5 reasons you might be...) I hope you have some vacation too-- eat cheese, popcorn and fruit for dinner; let the laundry go for a bit.


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