23 August 2013


Working on chore "charts" for the kids.


Almost done.  I'm finishing up some little drawings and then I'll add them and we can begin the new assignments.  There is so much managing to be done in even the assigning of chores: who can do what, who works well together (or near one another), who will be offended if I remove them from a job they've liked doing, who needs to be near me (or an older sibling) in order to work diligently and be trained in that chore.  A LOT of time and effort goes into the assigning of chores.


Also, today... I baked some bread.  We were out and it seemed easier to make some than to pack up all the kids and drive to the store for some.  Plus, now we get to smell the aroma of freshly baked bread.  Which makes me think of fall, which is quite nearly here.


Moving from summer to fall... as evidenced by my mantel-- the "summer" bunting is still up, and there are cheery sunflowers-- isn't a sunflower just the happiest flower ever?  I love sunflowers.  Must plant more next year -- but the pumpkin candle is out already and another candle is lit today. 


Hope you're having a good day!


  1. Thanks for the idea! I have pictures (that Aaron drew for Isaac way back) for Eli's chores. They are magnetic and I was looking for a place for him to move them when he was done. So I made a "to do" envelope for the chores to be done later and a "done" envelope for him to move them into when he completes something. Perfect!
    I am moving my Isaac to a chart this year hoping he will be able to organize and track his progress that way.

    Thanks for the email. I am in the throws of planning so super focused but will respond in time :)

  2. I forgot that our living rooms were the same color red, but now ours is half primer white. I'm switching it up because I find the red too dark for our long winters. :)
    Also I bought myself some sunflowers at the grocery store yesterday and stuck them in my Ikea white enamel pitcher too!
    I have never had sunflowers in the house, but I agree with you, they are very cheery!
    Thanks for letting us comment on this post, I missed blabbing to you on here! :)

    1. Heather~

      You're welcome for letting you comment on this post. I just keep forgetting to turn the comments off ;) But I do like comments so maybe I'll just keep them on.

      I love it that you have that IKEA pitcher *and* that you filled it with sunflowers!

      I have often wanted to change our red walls for that reason. And for the fact that then we could add more color with our fabrics and furniture- rather than keeping them neutral b/c our walls are SO bright. But Mark LOVES them and is reluctant to change them. Or maybe he just doesn't want to paint.... ? *grin*

  3. Please explain how your amazing chart works? are each row of envelopes for a different kid? when do they get moved the the AM, noon, evening chart part? It looks lovely. Trying to figure out to to figure out how to start accessing who knows what and who should do what when...so I'm not always saying, "go do this." :)

    1. Hi Talia!

      The information on how the chore chart works is posted here.


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