19 June 2014

Anniversary questions

Our anniversary is at the end of the month (17 years!) and we already went away to celebrate together. We went to the ocean-- and had a wonderful time.  It was restful and romantic.  We ate good food, played games (Arms & Legs and Scrabble), talked a LOT, listened to good music, walked on the beach for hours, watched a movie together and ate ice cream.  So pretty much perfect.  Oh.  And the weather was BEAUTIFUL.


I love time away with Mark, and especially all that time to communicate without five interrupters!  Many times when we go away together, I jot down some questions in my journal to ask him.  I try to look at each role in his life and ask questions around each one.  I take notes, too, as he answers, so that I know how to best pray for him or follow up with him.  Here are this year's questions:

{relationship with God}
What is one strength or praise this year in your relationship with God?
What is one weakness this year in your relationship with God?
In what areas would you like to grow this year?- think practically
Something you learned about God this year?
Verse or passage that was memorable to you this past year?

{us/our relationship}
What were our strengths this year/what did we do right?
What were our weaknesses/areas for growth?
What are our plans to make those things ^ happen?
Best memories (up to 3)?
Two hardest things we faced together?
How could I have/can I still love you better through those hard things?
One thing I did to make you happy?
Something I do that makes you feel respected?
One thing I did that makes you crabby?
If there was one thing you could change about our nighttime routine, what would it be?
If there was one thing you would add to our daily routine, what would it be?
Best thing about our sex life?
Growth area for sex?

Favorite memory with.... (each child)
What are your current or ongoing challenges/frustrations with.... (each child)
If you had more time with.... (each child).... what would you do with him/her?
What area do you think.... (each child) needs to be affirmed/encouraged in?
What is our plan to do this?
What is one trip you'd like to take/thing you'd like to do together this year as a family?
What are some ways you see us serving as a family?

Most frustrating thing?
Most memorable moment?
Relationship(s) you'd like to invest in/plan for that to happen?
How can I pray for you?

{homeschool} I purposefully made this section short, because we have a homeschool planning day coming up together and we do a homeschool evaluation then.
First three words that come to mind when you hear the word "homeschool".
Two things you'd like to see happen this coming year.

{extended family/friends}
Name three couples/families you want to have over for dinner this year?
Any goals for time spent with your parents or siblings?  Plans to meet those goals:

What ONE project would you like to complete....
What two areas of the house would you like to see cleaner?

Name two things you would like us to in terms of our finances this next year.

Favorite song this year?
Favorite podcast?
Do you need more alone time?


  1. Your questions are great, Stacy! Thanks for the idea. We hit 18 in August and I'll be planning a little time (though maybe just a dinner....) to talk without interruptions. Blessings, Annie

    1. Hooray, Annie! Congratulations on 18 years.
      Blessings to you and yours,

  2. I love how intentional you are in this! fantastic! Thanks for the inspiration. Blessings to your sweet family.

    1. Thanks, Carolynn! Blessings to you guys this week! (I know this is a crazy week!)

  3. I'm so glad you were able to get a way for some time together. Wonderful list of questions, it shows so much about how much you care for him.

  4. You. Are. Amazing. :) Truly. :) - Jess O.


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