26 August 2014

Devotions basket

For the past couple of years, I have been trying to create a habit for our kids of beginning their day with Jesus.  In the mornings I'll set the timer for 20 minutes and call out, "devotion time!" and the older kids will pray or read their Bibles or sing, and the little girls will usually draw pictures or look through a Bible story book.

One of the things I'm going to introduce to the kids *this* school year is a "Devotions basket":


What's in the basket:
-missionary biographies
-one of the Truth &  Grace Memory books
-Operation World
-some favorite Bible story books (The Child's Story Bible and The Big Picture Story Bible and The Jesus Storybook Bible)
-My ABC Bible Verses and others by Susan Hunt (Big Truths for Little Kids & Discovering Jesus in Genesis & Exodus)
-The Brother-Offended checklist, Go-to-the-Ant chart, and the "If-Then" charts from Doorposts.
-a gratitude journal (orange Moleskine), to list things we're thankful for
-memory verses on index cards  (ones we've memorized before; for review)
-a bucket with blank index cards & markers- for drawing stories from the Bible
-(2) CD players with headphones & kids worship CDs
-our jar of prayer sticks (popsicle sticks with family/friends' names written on them, for the kids to pick out a stick and pray for that person/family)
I have a list of everything that's in the basket with spaces next to it for the kids to initial as they "check out" an item.  They're going to love this. 


  1. What a lovely idea, Stacy! Looking forward to hearing what your sweetlings think. Thanks for sharing this ♥

  2. I know this post is years old, but I am wondering how the basket was received by your children? You may have written about that in subsequent posts... I'm thinking of revamping our devotional time, and while we have a basket o' Bibles already, I'd love to also fill it with things like the Doorposts charts, missionary biographies, maps with persecuted countries to pray for... thanks in advance! xo

    1. I don't know if I did a follow-up post or not (often I *mean to*, but forget! ;))

      My kids LOVED this, Elise, and have talked about it several times since. I really should organize another basket. Our *only* problem was that the headphones/ipod options were THE FAVORITE ITEM and so there was a bit of squabbling for that.

      I loved pulling things off our shelves that were devotional in nature that they maybe wouldn't have picked up on their own, but ended up loving.

      I love your ideas, too!

  3. Thank you, friend! School starts next Tuesday and I am so excited! <3


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