28 October 2014

Commonplace Entries

There are times I feel slightly embarrassed at the copious amount of fiction that I read.  It doesn't seem intelligent enough of me or something.  I see the book lists of others and sort of wince at all the deep things I'm not reading.

But here's the thing: I love stories.  And no matter what else I'm reading, I am always yearning for a good story.  Maybe those with the extensive and academic book lists aren't wired that way.  But I most decidedly am.  So I'm becoming accustomed to that in myself.

I've been busily copying into my journal portions from the book I'm reading, and I've decided to share some here.

From L.M. Montgomery's Jane of Lantern Hill:
Gay Street should be a gay street, thought Jane, with gay, friendly houses, set amid flowers, that cried out, "How do you do?" to you as you passed them, with trees that waved hands at you and windows that winked at you in the twilights.
"I love making jam," she said, when dad asked her why she bothered.  Just to go into the pantry and look at shelf after shelf of ruby and amber jams and jellies gave her the deep satisfaction of a job well done.
(Is it any wonder how much I love L.M. Montgomery?)  I copied far more down than this tonight, but I'm just giving you a sampling.  :)

Ella finished Jane of Lantern Hill last week and promptly declared that I ought to read it.  (I'm not usually fond of reading a book twice, and this one I know I've read at least once before, but I agreed.)  And now I'm pretty sure I'll be reading all of L.M. Montgomery's books all over again.  I love them that much.

For those of you who appreciate L.M. Montgomery, what is your favorite title of hers?  (My mom just finished The Blue Castle and thoroughly enjoyed it.)  I think this one, below, will always be my favorite of hers, but I'll check back in when I've read through them all again and let you know....

My well-worn, well-loved, much-read copy


  1. I've had The Mountain Between Us on my "to read" list for probably years, I believe at your recommendation. Yeah... I read it in one sitting this last Sunday. Oops! I had so much I needed to get done for school that day, but I couldn't put it down! I've not read any of L.M. Montgomery books other than the Anne books. It sounds like I'll need to put those on my list as well. :) Always grateful for your book recommendations, Stacy!

    1. Oh! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Jodi! He's such a good storyteller. :)
      (((Hugs))) to you and yours,

  2. Next to "Anne" (whose seven books I've read multiple times) I love L.M. Montgomery's Emily series! I've never come across Jane of Lantern Hill or The Blue Castle! I'll have to start a search!


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