18 April 2015

Springtime in our yard

I love this time of year when the flowers come.  All that color and growth (and the warmth of the sunshine!) beckon me outside, when normally I'm perfectly content indoors.  My lilacs are now in full bloom, and the whole yard smells of them.  The birds are happily chirping from about 5 in the morning on into the evening, and I love it all. 

Three years ago we created a little garden area by the side of our home. 


I sketched out an idea in my journal, and then we just went for it.  We cut a curved path into our grass and took some rocks from other places in the yard (that aren't really made to be walked on, but who says you can't repurpose landscaping rock?! ;))

My hard-working boys, putting in the rock path (Spring 2013)
I did a bit of research and we decided to plant perennials that were happy in the shade, and planted ferns, hosta (White Margined Hosta & Plantain Lily), Brunnera Macrophylla "Jack Frost", and some Dicentra Spectabile Bleeding Hearts (white and rose-pink).  Three years later and this is my favorite spot in our yard.  We've since added a birdbath, a white hydrangea and some peony plants, some tulips and some other things Mark has tucked into the empty spaces.  The whole area is beautiful and flourishing, and it makes me so happy.  :)

White Margined Hosta (Hosta tardiana undulata 'Albo-marginata') & Bleeding Hearts
Here was a little visitor to our birdbath this morning:


I hope you're having a wonderful day today!



  1. That is so lovely! Spring is here in Ireland too, and I have noticed the birds singing a lot more too!

  2. Love your imagined garden come to life~! You are way ahead of us, the last pile of snow finally melted (I kid you not). Worked on raking out the garden and around the fire pit. Still lots to do, but now that it is warmer, think it will be more of a pleasure to uncover our favorite spots.

    Enjoy it all Stacy!

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  3. Beautiful!!! I love shade gardens. You have me considering a birdbath.

  4. I love all of it! But I especially love the bleeding hearts. :)

  5. Your gardens are lovely. I especially love seeing the family teaming together to make it special.

  6. You are all so kind. Thank you, dear ones.
    Jodi- You MUST. (Get a birdbath.) It was a mother's day gift a few years back and I.love.it! ;)


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