06 July 2015

Songs purchased with an iTunes gift card

For our 18th wedding anniversary, Mark gave me $18 to spend on books, and $18 to spend on music.  It's a fun gift!  Last week I sat on our bed for awhile with iTunes open, searching favorite artists and listening, and ended up only purchasing six songs. 

Here's what I bought:

Four new songs from Christa Wells:
-Come Close Now
-Have Your Eyes Open (with Ellie Holcomb, so clearly that was a MUST.)
-More Than I Am (love this one)

-For My Child (I cried when I first heard it)

One from REND Collective: my favorite version of
-10,000 Reasons (with Audrey Assad)

One from Andrew Peterson:
-After All These Years
You do realize that this means I have about twelve songs left to purchase.  So... this is where you come in.  What have you been listening to that you love?  [It doesn't have to be Christian music, either.  (I'm still debating whether or not I want to purchase some Taylor Swift because I sort of love the song Shake it Off whenever I hear it on the radio!)]  Just tell me what you're listening to! 

The $18 for books?  Also tricky.  I rarely purchase books.  I get almost everything from the library.  And I don't buy a book unless I think I'll read it (or consult it) again and again.... so... I'd love to know what would be on your list if you got to buy a book (or two?)

Love to you all,


me and my littlest at the waterslides recently.


  1. I jist this week got some new songs. Cornerstone by hillsong live and I lift my hands by chris tomlin and Lay me down by chris tomlin along with a bunch from the 80s and the everly brothers!! Need music for travel tomorrow!

    1. Stef-
      We have Cornerstone with Tim Neufeld & Audrey Assad. I love that version. (Assuming it's the same song.)

      I really like I Lift My Hands. I think we already have that one. And I'm not familiar with the Lay Me Down one... I'll have to check that one out.

      Everly Brothers! SO. FUN! I looked up The Beach Boys today. ;)

      (I told Mark he needs to come up with vacation playlist for our family vacation: Best artist(s) or band(s) beginning with the letter A... all the way to Z. ;)) He promised he'd work on it. We had fun trying to think them up on our anniversary getaway. :)

      Enjoy your time away!

  2. [For anyone else checking the comments on this post: my friend Michelle texted me her recommendation of Ben Rector's Follow You.] I haven't purchased that one (Yet. I may still.) BUT in my perusal of Ben I *did* purchase one called: Forever Like That. Because it reminds me of something Mark would put on one of my Valentines CDs and I was so thrilled to beat him to a love song he hadn't yet discovered. ;)

  3. I don't really have an recommendations, but wanted to say that the picture of you and your daughter is darling! I also like the creativity of $18 for the 18th Anniversary :)

  4. Even If by Kutless. One of my favorites.

    By the way, I was working on Carlos' life book this week and was reading through some old emails from you as I pieced together his story. And I just wanted to say, thank you for being such a good friend (from afar) through those first lonely mommyhood days! You were such a blessing in my life Stacy!

    1. Oh I can't wait to check that song out, Sarah! Thanks!
      And-- thank you for kind words. That's so nice of you to say. So glad I was able to be an encouragement to you then. Wish we lived closer so our kids could all play together and I could see you! ((hugs))

  5. If you have any money left, check out "Ever and Always" by Andrew Osenga. Beautiful love song!

  6. Anything by Jason Gray, All Sons and Daughters and Lauren Daigle is awesome!

  7. Anything by Jason Gray, All Sons and Daughters and Lauren Daigle is awesome!

  8. Mrs. R!

    I agree VERY much with Crystal, as Lauren Daigle is the absolute BOMB! My favorite song by her is How Can It Be. So, I came in really late on this one, but if you ever buy more, you'll want to snatch that one up! ;)

    Savannah O.


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