02 December 2015

Podcast recommendation: Sally & Kristen

Oh, dear friends and fellow mothers~

I have been so encouraged and refreshed by a podcast recently.  I just have to share it with you so that you, too, will be inspired and heartened in the everyday at home-ness with your kids, and also in casting a longer-term vision for the relationships with your children.

Sally Clarkson (ever one of my favorite mentors-from-a-distance) and Kristen Kill sit down and have rich conversations around the main topic of discipling your children.  They share stories and practical examples, and they both have such hearts FOR their kids, and a sweet vision for how to disciple well-- in love and grace and relationship.  I have loved every episode.  Seriously, these are my kindred spirits from afar.  (I secretly feel like I'm eavesdropping from a nearby table as they sit down to chat, and it has truly been such a treat.)  So much of what they share in these podcasts is familiar to the way that we do things in our home (or aspire to do things) and these sweet conversations have been such an encouragement to me over the past few weeks.

I know Sally has the podcasts on her blog, too, but I was able to locate them easier from Kristen's blog, so these links will take you to her blog.  Here's the list, and a link to each episode if you click on the episode title:

#1: A New Mom Heart Podcast (Sept 16)
#2: Foundations for Flourishing in the Everyday (Sept 22)
#3: Keeping Your Soul Alive So You Can Thrive (Sept 28)
#4: Homeschooling With Life, Grace and Excellence (Oct 20)
#5: Discipleship is Heart Work (Oct 26)
#6: Discipleship With Grace (Nov 2)
#7: Inspiration and Heroes (Nov 9)

You can also subscribe via iTunes here.

I hope you are able to listen in and that you find encouragement, too.

Blessings to you,


  1. YES! crazy, because i found these podcasts via kristin kill's instagram a couple months ago and loved the one i heard so *thank you* for reminding me to circle back and hear the rest! i listened to "foundations for flourishing in the everyday" during my run yesterday and was so encouraged and refreshed. they feel like kindred spirits, sharing and expressing so clearly the passion and vision that i cherish.

  2. Emily,
    Hooray! So glad you've enjoyed them, too! ~smile~


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