23 April 2016

What's going on with Isaac? [Part 5]

Well.  I do hope we can find out what's going on with Isaac. 

The Endoscopy and Colonoscopy procedures are scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  I am praying we will get some answers then.  The doctor thinks that what he finds may explain the joint pain, but if not, then we will see someone in Rheumatology.

Updates on Isaac:

Joints: His joint pain still travels around his body-- sometimes his knees or ankles are hurting, other times his shoulders or elbows or wrists.  This week his finger joints have hurt for the first time.
BUT: This has not slowed him down much this week.  He is pressing on in play and in school in spite of the pain and in spite of having no medication for the pain.  I'll just take that as a huge answer to prayer, because my main concern coming off the Naproxen was that his body would deteriorate to the point when his joint pain was at its worst, when he was struggling to move. [Thank you, God!] 

Hives: I thought his hives were disappearing and after giving him Benadryl every 4 hours for a full week, I finally stopped giving it to him.  He had said he wasn't itchy and we saw no spots or splotches anywhere on his body.  Then last night he said he was itchy, and I had him lift up his shirt, expecting to see a little spot of red, and there were substantial splotches all over his chest and stomach and back, again.  So back to the store for more Benadryl today.

Stomach issues: His stomach has definitely been worse over the past few days, including increased trips to the bathroom, and he has had a few bouts of pain for the first time.

Sore throat: It's the strangest thing, this sore throat.  I ask him every morning how it is, and one day he'll say: "It's super sore; feels raw." Or he'll complain of it feeling "bile-ish".  And the next day I'll ask, he'll swallow and act surprised and say, "It feels fine!" But the following day it will be sore and raw again.

Appetite: His appetite is still low; he's eating very little at each meal.  A couple of times his stomach pain has prevented him from eating, and he has eaten later than us.

Today he gets to eat normally, Sunday he gets to eat low-fiber foods, Monday he gets to drink clear liquids only all day, and Tuesday: nothing. ;)  Should be an interesting couple of days.

-He has been sleeping well at nights.
-He has been so much more mobile this week, and only once needed our help getting to his bed.
-His attitude is great.
-We have the procedures scheduled.  (It took me 2 days and several messages left to schedule these, and we were praying lots that "the nurse would call back".  She did.  Appointment scheduled.  Thank you, God.)
-Our one-and-only vehicle overheated this week (of course, right? ;)) but we have an excellent mechanic who we trust, and he was able to see it the next morning and fix it over the course of two days.
-God is good.  Always.

Thanks again for your prayers.  I will try to update again on Tuesday or Wednesday as I'm able, and hopefully with some answers to the what's-going-on-with-Isaac? question. 


  1. Do you get to have these tests in town or do you gave to come to Seattle again?

  2. Praying for you this week! For peace that only our Loving Father can provide, and for answers and ultimately healing!

    1. Thank you, sweet Sarah Joy whose name I adore. :)

  3. I am praying for the Father's guidance and wisdom to the doctor. May you find answers and may your son's tender heart be a testimony of God's provisions. ((hugs))

  4. Thank you for the update ♥ we are continuing to lift you all up. Give Isaac a hug from us, please, and let him know we are praying (along with our family and church family) with so much love!

  5. Oh Stacy, I'm just now catching up on all these posts. I'm so sorry to hear that Isaac has been so unwell. It breaks my mama's heart to read all that he's had to endure. I will add this to my prayer list and will keep up with your updates.
    Love you and thank you for sharing this with all of us. ♥

    1. Heather,
      Thank you. I know. It breaks MY mama's heart, too. :( Thanks for praying. I appreciate you.


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