03 August 2016


I had a homeschooling post due to go up today, but my heart isn't in it.

On Monday, my beloved grandpa Jake died.  He now rests exactly where he has been longing to be for so many years: in his eternal home, with his Savior.
Grandpa was a hard-working businessman.  He was faithful, generous, compassionate, and a friend to all.  He shared the gospel with many.  He lived a life that was marked by his love for God.  He'd meet a man who had fallen on hard times, offer him a job, and a place to live.  In his home. 

He and grandma had compassion on refugees, and sponsored, then adopted them into their family.  He cared deeply for the needy, and was generous to all.  He seemed to know people everywhere he went, and if he didn't, he was friends with them in minutes. 

He and grandma had 8 children, 26 grandchildren, and 67 great-grandchildren.

I can't begin to express to you the gratitude I feel for getting to belong to this family.  I keep thanking God that He chose the best of the best, the very finest-- of grandparents, on both sides-- for me.  My grandparents' love for Jesus and lives poured out for Him has shaped me into the person that I am.  I have such fondness, affection, and high regard for them. 

Their faith, modeled and lived out by their own parents has been passed down to their children and their children's children and their children's children's children.  This is what the Bible talks about in the Old Testament when God exhorts His people to keep His decrees and commands so that the next generation might fear God.  They were so faithful, and I am a recipient of their faithfulness.  

My grandpa was one of the few good men in my life.  When my dad left mom when I was just a little girl, I felt abandoned.  Both of my grandpas exemplified faithfulness, strength and security for me.  They were trustworthy men who kept their promises.  They are the men who stayed in my life.  Grandpa Jake in particular, with grandma, showed up at all the birthdays and big events.  I am so grateful to God for this.

I wish this kind of family for everyone.  It's a beautiful thing.  There are so many, many memories.  I can't recount them all, though I've tried in my journal these past few days.  Probably my fondest memories surround Sunday lunches at grandpa and grandma's house, all the extended family gathered round-- aunts, uncles, cousins galore.  Food waiting, everyone joining hands for prayer.  Grandpa, pulling out his handkerchief to wipe his tears because he always got that way during hymns and prayers; simply because he felt so blessed by God's great mercy.



  1. A precious tribute. What a beautiful legacy God has given you. And what a blessing to experience joy through your tears as you remember your Grandpa.

  2. so wonderful to read this. thinking of you this week. xoxoxo

  3. This post put a smile on my face. Certainly not for your loss and the pain I know it causes you, but for the life and lives you describe here. I now see a glimpse into what made YOU such a woman after Jesus's heart! Your grandpa (and grandma and other grandparents) are an inspiration. Your family gives hope that we CAN change tomorrow simply by living out our faith in front of and with our children, passing it along, generation to generation. Hugs to you in this painful time. I pray it gives you great peace knowing he is with Jesus. Xo

    1. Awe! Thank you for your kind words, friend. I so appreciate you.

  4. ((hugs)) dear friend. This is a beautiful tribute. We can relate to the loss of a grandfather this past month. May you read your own beautiful words here and find comfort in the heavenly homecoming your grandfather is celebrating.

  5. I'm sorry! :( That picture with your Grandpa and the tiny baby is so precious. :)

    1. Yes! That's our Adelia-- now 8 and THRIVING, but then so tiny and fragile. :)

  6. I am both sorry for your loss and glad for the joy that your grandpa gave you and for the joy of his reward in heaven.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss but thankful for heaven's gain. Your grandfather reminds me so much of my late grandfather who went home with Jesus when I was sixteen. He was a minister of the gospel in every sense of the word and he loved his family with a fervent love. Men (and women) like that are amazing and rare and so very needed. God bless your sweet family as you miss him so much.

    1. Awe! I love hearing that about your grandfather, too. What a blessing and a gift we were given to have such grandpas!
      Blessings to you and thank you so much for your comment!

  8. Stacy ♥ our prayers are with you and your precious family as we read of your grandpa's home-going. We love you! May these days be filled with peace and comfort and joy. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, sweet Quinne. I saw your comment earlier but am just now getting time to catch up on comments. Love to you.


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