08 September 2016


Hello, sweet friends~

We're doing this thing.  School is back in session and- you know what?  I love it so much.

Am I tired?  Um, yes.

Did I forget how often it is that every single child seems to need me right now, and all at once?  Yes.

Did I forget how difficult it is to juggle the dishes, the laundry, the meals, AND school?  Uh, yeah.

Have we been behind my schedule every single day thus far?  YES.

And yet, we are here together, getting up early, cracking open the Bible at the table, singing, praying, talking, puzzling together over challenging math problems, cozying up under blankets to read good books, growing in patience and love for one another, learning to serve each other, and sharing it all with daddy when he gets home.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  These are sweet, sweet years and I understand that even in the craziness of them.  I am so blessed.  I love my kids and the time I get with them.. 

Another highlight:  Last night Ella made dinner for the whole family.  She was amazing.  She had to thaw and then cook the meat and roast sweet potatoes earlier in the day and then layer it all in the slow cooker for dinner, hours before we ate.  She's on for Wednesday dinners for the rest of the year and I don't quite know what to do with myself as she takes command in my kitchen.  She kept saying, "I've got this, mommy.  You're hovering."  :)  And I was.  The kitchen is sort of my domain.  She's done all sorts of baking and assisting and has been in charge of breakfasts and lunches, but has never been solely responsible for the evening meal.  She made a delicious meal for us and we were all so blessed.


  1. Yay! I love fresh starts. And yay for Ella helping with dinners- how cool is that!?

  2. Oh my sweet Ella, truly so sweet. My girls were in awe today after leaving of Ella and as Caprice said, "Mama, she's a good baker!" We had such a good time and my girls were chatting away of the next time they can spend with your girls. Sweeties.

    1. Awe! Thanks, Kamille! We SO enjoyed having you and the girls over. What a treat to get to sit and visit with you. We all loved it.

  3. Beauty FULL beginnings! Savor this season...relinquish bits of that kitchen domain and enjoy each Wednesday in delightful SLOW. ((hugs)) for the new season of life!

  4. Umm, I don't think you've posted enough photos of them in the last 365 days, because they all seem so much older and ridiculously taller! And how is Ella in high school and looking so tall and mature?! What a dear girl she is, I wish we knew all of you in real life. xoxo

  5. Oh, those FACES! We love them so ♥ what a joy to see them growing. Praying with you for just the year the Father has in mind. I am certain that it will be a lovely one in Him.


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