09 February 2017

Open House: Thursday, February 9th

By the time we meet for breakfast, most of the kids have been up early and working independently on their own assigned work: math, history and other readings, in addition to their morning chores. 

This morning we had hard-boiled eggs, bacon, and yogurt (with granola) for breakfast.  My kids eat a ton.  I can't believe how much they eat.

At the table we sang our current hymn All Creatures of our God and King, we read a Psalm together, and we prayed together.  We did some memory work; currently our ABC Bible Verses from years ago (review for the older kids and new to the younger girls).  We reviewed two poems from previous years and read our new February poem, Forgiven.  (Which, in title, sounds much more distinguished than it actually is.  It's a delightful poem by one of our favorite authors, A.A. Milne.)  When I selected this as one of our monthly poems during the summer months, I didn't know that Mark would also be reading aloud (for the second time) The World of Pooh, which contains Winnie-The-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner, also by A.A. Milne.  This was the first book Mark and I read aloud together, way back when we were dating, some twenty-something years ago, and I enjoy it more with each reading. Mark does such a great job with all the character's voices, and we all laugh out loud at the antics of these beloved characters.

These robins perch in our trees-- sometimes up to ten or fifteen at a time.
After we cleared the table and moved into the living room, we had a grammar lesson, the older three and I, on a white board.  They completed several exercises and then we came to our favorite part of the day: reading aloud.  The kids scattered across the living room with colored pencils and paper, and I resumed our current read-aloud, Little Women.  I told Mark recently that I often feel much more suited to the role of reader than teacher.  :) 

I have two dear copies of this book, one illustrated by the lovely Barbara Cooney (pictured), and another by Tasha Tudor.  I can never decide which is my favorite, but I have chosen the Cooney for this reading.

Little Women is one of the few books that I have been longing to read aloud for years, because it is such a beloved book from my own childhood.  And this is another one of those books that gets better with each subsequent reading.  We're some 400+ pages in and I cried through most of our reading today.  When I wasn't crying, I was reading with a lump in throat.  Shame on Louisa May Alcott for putting these two chapters one after the other:

And for those of you who aren't familiar with the story, click away, because  ***I am spoiling it in the very next sentence.*** 

First, the chapter Heartache, where Laurie proposes to Jo and she-- I can barely type this-- tells him she does not love him.  I still cannot get over this, all these years later. I still wish Jo had ended up with Laurie.  I will say, with great reluctance, that this time, as I read through the book again, is the first time I have felt any fondness for the professor (but only just a little.)  (And I still love Laurie best.)  I read this entire chapter with a lump in the back of my throat and with that same incredulity that Jo did not choose Laurie.  ~Sigh~  (All my kids agree, by the way.)  Oh.  Within this chapter, a heartbroken Laurie plays Sonata Pathetique on the piano, so I quickly googled that and we listened to it as we read through the chapter.  (Hence tucking Composer Study into our day, too.)

Right on the tails of that difficult chapter, I read Beth's Secret, which is when Beth tells Jo that she is surely dying.  ~sob~  This is when the tissues piled up next to me because I could.not.even read this without several long pauses and in a great sobby voice even after the pauses.  Dear, sweet Beth.

One more thing about this book and that is that Marmee just shines and has such wisdom for her girls that I am grateful to be reading it as a mother.  I have already copied several passages into my journal.

Okay, enough rambling about Little Women

The kids headed outside to play in the now-melting snow and then came back inside to finish any independent work and practice the piano.  I worked on math with one of the older kids, who was struggling, and did a spelling test with another, and worked on some reading with one of the little girls.  And that's a wrap to our school day.

Thank you to anyone who still reads here at this little neglected-of-late blog.  I do appreciate those of you who stop in and really do treasure any comments you leave.


  1. I'm glad you're back! I always enjoy what you share here, Stacy! Your homeschool day sounds like it was sweet. Ours was rather neglected and scattered as I had about eight pressing errands to run today. :( But we press on...! Love from Kansas ~Candice

    1. Candice~ Thank you for your sweet comment. I think EIGHT errands in one day would put me in tears! I can barely manage three. ;) Blessings to you and your dear family!

  2. I love hearing your heart and sharing your day! I've been a quiet blog season right now. Would you believe that I have NEVER read Little Women. I honestly have no clue why, but your post has intrigued me to maybe put on a summer reading reading list. The white frosting on your trees with the robins is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and filling my tank tonight with happy thoughts.

    1. Oh my word, Tamara. You MUST read Little Women. MUST. Love to you.

  3. Oh, I do hope you know that you still have readers, checking every so often to see if you've written again. I love to read your posts because I feel like we are kindred spirits and would be the best of friends if it weren't for geography. :) I don't blog anymore, personally, so I completely understand a quiet blog season ... Though, I sure hope you don't quit like I did. If ever you intend to, we must exchange email addresses so that we can stay in touch. Xo

    1. You are so sweet. Thank you for your kind comment. I do love writing in this space and I always have lots of ideas and plans, but so little time to actually sit and get it out. ;) But I'm always encouraged to hear that there are people who still read and check in. Deal. (About exchanging email addresses if I ever intend to quit.) Love to you and yours...

  4. Enjoyed the day peak into your day, Stacy!

  5. Reading aloud together really has made the stories more enjoyable for me and my kids. Love that copy of Little Women!

  6. Read-alouds are our favorite, too! Enjoy peeking into your days ♥ lots of love & hugs!

  7. Your posts are always so encouraging

  8. Stacy, your words are like gold to me! You are such a kindred spirit! I felt the same when I read Little Women last year... I was scribbling Marmee's wisdom down to glean from again later. What a magical book. I love hearing about your homeschool day and am so thankful for the ministry of your blog to those of us who strive to be Godly, mindful, involved mothers like yourself. Many blessings to you from MN!


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