20 April 2007

More on the shield of faith

As I wrote yesterday, what I appreciate so much about Beth Moore is that she doesn't stop with the information. She gets practical. I am such a visual person that I don't just want to hear what someone thinks, I want to know what it looks like; what they're doing about it. Here is the practical, 5-statement shield of faith Beth Moore shared:

God is who He says He is.

God can do what He says He can do.

I am who God says I am.

I can do all things through Christ.

God's word is alive and active in me.

Her encouragement for the reader was to commit to a certain length of time to practice raising your shield of faith. To get into the habit of "putting it on." I decided to do five weeks. I wrote out these five statements and posted them in the shower and have said them every morning. I'm into my third week.

And do you know what? The first two: God is who He says He is and God can do what He says He can do-- those, I've got down. Absolutely I believe those. Without a doubt.

But as I have repeated these statements over and over again, I get a little stuck on that third one.

"I am who God says I am." I say it and then I consider who God says I am and I immediately question, "I am?"

My shield has a little crack.

I've mentioned before that when God is speaking to me about something, He doesn't just say it once. He says it over and over and over again to get through to me. He is so faithful to lead me to a verse, and then aha! coincidentally, that very same verse is expounded upon in a book I'm reading, and then again, He will solidify that truth one more time (or two) in another form (radio, a message, a friend, a blog, a song).

As I was reading Believing God I was also reading another book. A fiction book by Lisa Samson called Quaker Summer. In the book, the main character's name is Heather. Heather's husband's name is Jace. Here's the part I'd like to share with you:

Jace: I really love you, hon. You know that, right?

[Heather] I just burrow my face into his shoulder. I can't look at him when he starts making loving proclamations. If his professions are an accurate indication of his emotions, Jace adores me. So if he backs them up with candles and flowers and that sweet smile, why can't I believe him? With these sponge cake hips? This raggedy C-section scar? Come on, man! Where are your standards?

When I read that, a lump formed at the back of my throat. Not only because I so know the feeling. (Can you not even see these stretch marks, honey? And these extra 10 lbs I've been holding onto since the birth of our last child? Who was born more than three years ago? And, and, and...)

But that lump in my throat? It was there because I am like this with God, too. He professes to love me; to adore me. So why can't I believe Him?

When I shared with Mark that I believed the first two statements with certainty but I was wavering on the third, he pointed out, "If the first two are no-brainers, Stacy, you have to embrace the third one. If God is who He says He is, you are who He says you are. Period." I KNOW that. My mind knows it. But as usual, it takes some time for my heart to catch up with what my mind knows.

Basically, dear readers: I am just a pile of insecurities. During the past few weeks God has brought me again and again to His Word. Just who does God say that I am? I've begun a list in the back of my journal:

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
I am dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. (Romans 6:11)
I am adopted. (Ephesians 1:5)
I am a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
I am accepted. (Romans 15:7)
I am beautiful. (Song of Songs 4: 1, 7)
I am forgiven. Loved. Chosen. Redeemed. The list goes on and on.

I am?

Can I really accept that? Another source, another book I'm reading: The Ragamuffin Gospel. In it, Manning quotes another author, Paul Tillich, who writes: "Simply accept the fact that you are accepted."

That is precisely my problem. I have trouble accepting the fact that I am accepted.

But the things I have no trouble accepting; the things I am sure of; where there is no chink in my shield of faith, are those first two statements:

God is who He says He is.
God can do what He says He can do

And if God is who He says He is, He is LOVE, He is accepting of me, He has chosen me, and so much more.

I am so thankful for His Word. I so desperately need it to stand upon. Because I trust it. So if He says it, I believe it.


  1. Stacy,
    Thank you for sharing your heart in this post. I find it easy to spend my days kind of in "not thinking" mode. It is a wonder that I am surprised when I realize that "not thinking" days are often "grouchy mommy" days, too. I guess "not thinking" days are really just days when I am thinking about other things instead of "whatever is lovely, of good report etc". This post has made me think "what do I believe God says about me? and why is it important to have those promises on my lips and in my heart at all times instead of just occaisionally or during a crisis of some kind?" Thanks for spurring me on to spend more time pondering the promises that matter.
    rebecca m

  2. (whisper question first: Inquiring minds want to know: How are you posting this in the shower? I need to do this!)

    And YES--to accept who GOD says we are--staggering. Fearfully and wonderfully made? But I feel so...ugly, bad, awful, Father.

    And then I think: when I look on a newborn babe, I only see beauty. I only marvel at the wonder of God and His *masterpiece*. How *painful*...sinful...for me not to praise God for His work of me (!!) too...

    Stacy? You make me want more of Jesus...to have the mind and heart of Christ. Thank you.

    All's grace,
    Ann (printing out a shield for her shower too.)

  3. P.S.
    Who He says that you are:


    (Have this on tape--good to listen to OFTEN.)

  4. I love you, dearest Stacy. I love your heart. I love to see you walking with our Lord, learning from Him and of Him. I love the woman that He made for me and I love that He is continuing to mold you. What a joy and honor it is to be by your side.

    "Can you not even see..," you write. Yes honey, I do see you. I see your heart, your attitude, your body, your interactions. I see you, and I don't just accept you. I adore you. I find you beautiful in every way.

    And I'm just silly, old, imperfect me. I can't imagine the love with which our Father looks upon you.

    I love you.


  5. Aw... teary, here-- from that last comment by my wonderful husband.
    (Thank you, honey. I sure love you and need you.)

    Ann, (((thank you))). Your words about a newborn baby? What a good illustration.
    As for posting in the shower, I simply wrote the 5 statements out onto some cardstock and taped it up on our shower wall. Sometimes I protect it further by covering front/back with some clear contact paper. :)

    Love to you!

  6. This post brought tears in my eyes. Yes, the truth is that i struggle with image of my self and i struggle with God's love. In my head i know he loves me just the way i am, but i don't accept that fact with my heart. I have to accept it every day over and over again.
    Thank you. My hurt hurts now, but for good reasons. I will go down on my knees and ask Him for forgiveness. God bless

  7. Wow Stacy, good stuff. It cuts right to the heart, I can so relate. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Oh Stacy, these words were so powerful. You have blessed my day. I have been struggling with all my insecurities lately, and needed to read this. The comment from your husband was such a blessing as well. Thank you. I will read this again today.

  9. Stacy, I can totally relate. Thank you for sharing what the Lord is teaching you.
    Also, Mark, I hope my daughters marry a man who adores them and encourages them the way you do Stacy. May God bless you both!


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