03 April 2007

One year

It was one year ago today that I began blogging.

You know what? I am really thankful for this venue. More than anything, I am so appreciative for each one of you. I have gleaned so much from you. As I transferred old posts from HSB to Blogspot these past couple of months, it became really evident to me that I have grown much over the past year. God has used many of you as a resource for growth in my roles as wife, mother, and homemaker.

So thank you, for reading here and for encouraging me through what you have written on your own blogs or your comments here.


  1. I am SOOOOOOOO glad you started a blog!!! (not to mention introducing me to this world!) I continue to be blessed and challenged by your blog on a regular basis! I honestly think that "With Great Joy" would be one of my favorite blogs EVEN IF I didn't love you and your family so much!!! =)


  2. I really love your blog. But, I wish you would have re-named it "Love, Laughter and Laundry" or "Why Not Go to the Timmons' Blog Next?"

    Hi Ella!!

    THE great goat lover

  3. I really love your blog. But, I wish you would have re-named it "Love, Laughter and Laundry" or "Why Not Go to the Timmons' Blog Next?"

    Hi Ella!!

    THE great goat lover

  4. Wow, a whole year! I have to say that I love your blog too!

  5. HA! Erica-- that would have been a *great* name ("Why not go to the Timmons' blog next") except that everyone would have been SUPER disappointed to go over and find the very.same.post up all the time. Talk to your mom about entering a few more posts a bit more frequently, would ya? :)

    Love you-

  6. Stacy ~ I am so glad you are here. It is comforting to visit this place that is so ~kindred spirit~ like in its peace. :)
    And...in honor of your one year anniversary, there is something special for you to pick up at my place!

  7. I'm popping over from "A Path Made Straight" Happy anniversary!

  8. Wow... a full year already? I'll admit, there have been a few times I've questioned how much time this blogging took, but overall, I'm glad for it. I know you've learned much (crock-pot chicken, great kids' books, books for me, parenting helps, organization) from your fellow bloggers, and for that I am thankful.

    I am proud of you. I think you're a great writer and you have good things to say. I hope and pray that some of what you've written here is encouraging to others and stirs them to love God more as they carry on in their calling as mothers and wives.

    Thank you also for always prioritizing me and our kids above all things blogish.

    I love you.
    - Mark

  9. Hi Stacy, I dropped in for a visit and, as usual was encouraged in the Lord from reading your posts. Happy Blogging Anniversary!! (That was a sweet post from Mark as well :-) Diane

  10. On day's when I feel like I'm on an island, flying solo in the trials of the day - it is blogger friends like you who are of great encouargement. I think your amazing and so glad you came back to blogging.

  11. Wow...a whole year. I have so enjoyed your blog too. Your honest pursuit of God and His calling on your life is an encouragement. Your honesty has been so refreshing.

  12. Yeah! I guess that means I've "known" you for close to a year- I think I started reading soon after you and Amy started. I'm glad you've stuck with it. I hope you have a great day.
    Let us know if anything is happening with your adoption! My friend is designing shirts for expectant adoptive parents. I'll post a link when she gets it all up and running. They're pretty cute.


Thank you for commenting! I love hearing from you, and I will do
my best to reply back to you in the comment section.