14 June 2007

The little I bring

Our days have been so busy lately. We have had so much going on that I feel as if we just get home from one outing/event and have only minutes squished in there between the next thing we have to do or the next place we have to go. I am feeling physically and emotionally worn out. Maybe part of it is that vacation awaits us next week and it just can't get here fast enough.

I woke to this day exhausted, thinking of all that awaits me in the next few days; all that there is to do. I feel as if I have so little to give. I am tired.

Early this morning I opened our bedroom curtains--which poured in such happy morning sunlight that I could not possibly fall back asleep--, and I read from Matthew 14.

The disciples want to send the crowds away. Jesus, ever blunt, replies: "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."

The disciples: "We have here only..."

As I read that I wondered how often it is that Jesus asks something of me and my first response is "But I have only..." Even as I looked at the days activities stretched before me, my attitude was, "But I have such little energy. I have little patience, not nearly enough time..."

But then Jesus says this: "Bring them here to me." It's as if he's saying, "Yes, I see what little you do have to bring me. But bring it right over here, to me, and I will multiply that so that you can feed others."

My prayer today?

Jesus, will You take what little I have? I bring it to You, as the disciples brought that meager meal of 5 loaves and 2 fish, and I ask that you would multiply what little I bring.


  1. Oh, boy, sweet Stacy-Girl, can I relate to your thoughts on this one! I feel as if I have so little to give right now as well with where we are and the extra stresses and strains it has brought on us. But your words have encouraged me so much. Thanks for sharing, friend. You're wise!


  2. Stacy,

    This spoke so much to me today...thank you for sharing these things the Lord has been speaking to you. I've been thinking of the chorus, "And now, let the weak say 'I am strong,' let the poor say 'I am rich because of what the Lord has done for me...'" I'm so glad his strength is made perfect in our weaknesses!!

    I don't think I've ever commented before, but it has been a delight to stop by here at your place; I am always enriched. And thank you for visiting my blog!

  3. Stacy, this really touched me today. Thank you.

  4. I read this early this morning and thought on it the rest on the day. I do my day in my own power - and it can be a struggle. But I should say, "Lord this is what I have, work with it would you?" Stop trying to do it for the Lord but do it with him or rather let him do it. A bit of a twist on what you said, but it is what I heard.So good Stacy. So good. Thanks.

  5. My dearest, you are indeed wise. Great words ... well thought-out and well written. Thank you for listening to His voice.

    I love you.

  6. What a blessing for you to read those words on a day that started on empty!

    Jesus says, "Bring your but I have onlies over here and I'll give you so much more than you even asked!" :D

    But I have everything I need through Christ who strengthens me.

    Thank you, sweet Stacy.

  7. What a lovely post! Your heart for God is precious. Whata good example you are for us and also for your children.


  8. Hi Stacy;

    Oh that we would all bring what little we had- so often I am to tired to even think of it (poor excuse I know).

    thanks for sharing. I have recently been diagnosed with anemia...now I know why I am so tired!
    Praying that God brings you refreshment and fills you afresh with his spirit!

    hugs and all my love

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  9. Thanks for this post, Stacy. I feel this so often, but haven't had the insight into it that you shared here.

  10. I only just now had time to read this- a good reminder. I often feel that way too, like I just don't have the time/energy/patience or whatever. Thanks for the encouragement to take my little bits to Jesus and trust Him to give me whatever else I need!
    Bless you my friend!


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