13 June 2007

Visit with a blogging friend

A couple of weeks ago Rebeca emailed me to say that they would be driving through our city on the way to visit a friend of hers in another city, and could they stop in for a visit?

Of course I said YES! I was excited to meet the author of a blog I have so enjoyed over the past year and a half. On Monday afternoon, as my children waited on our porch swing and I prepared lunch, I heard Ella shout, "I think they're here!" I walked out to the van and gave Rebeca a hug, and said hello to her very-cute children Peregrine (4) and Alethea (2).

We ate lunch together and then headed out into the backyard so that the kids could play while we visited.

Rebeca is beautiful, and she is a wonderful mama, full of gentleness, affection and love. I was marveling at her gentle tone with her children. Every word that came out of her mouth was spoken in a loving, gentle, quiet and calm voice. [Um. Can't so much say the same for myself. It's not like I spend my day screaming by any means, but I would say that sometimes I do sort of snap at them as I react to disobedience.] Not so with Rebeca. Although when I asked, "Do you always speak in such a kind tone?" She answered "Not always." But I'm thinking it's probably the rare exception that she doesn't.

Peregrine and Alethea were a delight- so cute, polite and well-behaved. They listened well to their mama and they were a joy to have in our home. (Don't you love sweet little friends for your children to play with?)

One thing I observed in Rebeca's parenting that I'm going to try around here is this: I overheard her calling to Peregrine, who was playing in the living room: "Please come here, Peregrine." And then she promptly followed her request with, "I'm coming, Mama." To which Peregrine perked up and repeated, "I'm coming, Mama." I noticed she did this a few times throughout their visit. She would instruct him and then give a proper response. As she was giving it, or directly afterward, Peregrine would chime in with the same response and then obey. Isn't that a great idea? I am so using that with my Isaac. Sometimes he can be in his own little world and I think it doesn't completely register when I've spoken to him. But if I begin to cue him with the proper response? Maybe it will click. I'll let you know how it goes.

It was a delightful visit and I loved meeting Rebeca in person. There were c couple of times I would ask her a question and she would begin sharing and I would think, "Oh, yes... I remember you writing about this." But it was oh-so-much more enjoyable to hear her tell it! :)

Please, if you are ever in my area, do let me know so that I can meet you! :)


  1. Sounds like a great visit and I do like her idea on getting the right response.

    I'm not sure where your area is? I'm guessing somewhere in the south, that seems to be where every blogger lives! I would love to meet you someday too!:)

  2. This sounds wonderful. What a blessing for both of you!

  3. I want to meet you! Again! I like you friend, and it is always good to get together.
    Love Amy

  4. Oh how fun to get to meet Rebeca! You described her just as I had pictured her!

    RYC: Nope, I didn't drop off of the blogging planet ;-) I put up a post explaining that I'd left HSB and giving an email address if anyone was interested in my new blog address. Then several weeks later I closed my account. With the friends list not working though, I was afraid that someone might have missed it. I'm so glad you found me again! I just recently found you again through the Mango Times!


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