29 August 2007

The rest of the fair

... in pictures. (Oh, who am I kidding? There is no way I could post just pictures. I have to say something about the pictures, too!) Me and Isaias, checking out the chickens A girl after my own heart See? We're all ready for a cow of our own! Found a buddy Checking out the new piglets And the horses A little face painting Searching for treasures First ride. Last year we did only the carousel. The kids were a bit nervous so asked me to come with them. The funny thing is that while all the other airplanes were going up, ours remained down. Everytime we went around, I'd call to Mark, "What? Am I too heavy or something?!" And then after about 2 minutes, I realized that those little levers in front of the kids? They work. Pull on those, your plane goes up. And right about then the ride ended. Isaias' first ride Can you tell he feels so grown up? All tuckered out

Then we took the kids to my moms, and Mark and I headed back for this:

(That snippet was especially for you, Michelle!)

***Huge bummer. I realize now that the video is not working. GRR! Let's see... for now, here's this:

If you can't see the video, and you don't already know who we saw, can you make a guess based on this picture?


  1. Looks like fun, Stacey!
    You are like me;dark skinned and dark haired with a blonde haired blue eyed beauty for a daughter. I never thought I'd have *blonde* children! :)

  2. Mac Powell and the boys? I'm kind of a groupie, seen them bunches of times, but not surprisingly, substantially LESS since we had children. LOVE those guys! So, am I right? Was it Third Day?

  3. How fun! Your kids look like they're ready for a cow!

  4. I still can't believe we never bumped into you guys that day!
    But it was fun to see you on your date as we were on ours.

  5. Gasp.
    Be still my heart.
    Rock on, Mac.

    Next time, girl, if Chad so much as mentions that I should go........I'm THERE!!!! Third wheel??? Who cares.....it's THIRD DAY for goodness sakes, I'll be there!!!!

    Oh wait.....was I invited?? details, details.

  6. I laughed so hard, I nearly cried at the airplane comment. I had a similar experience myself at Dollywood this year. It took me until the second ride to figure out why the elephant wasn't flying.
    God is so wonderful to give us these precious days with our beautiful families. Treasure every minute.

  7. Looks like you and yours had a wonderful day! Third Day is a favorite in our home, my oldest son's favorite... the picture of your little one sleeping in the carseat is what I see in my rearview mirror quite often! I have a little brown eyed beauty of my own! What your friend said about the "opposite" look of your daughter is the same for me, but in reverse! I am reddish hair, fair skin and my daughter is the stunning chocolate eyes, thick black hair and golden brown skin!
    Nice meeting you!

  8. Oooo, we love the fair! It looks like you all had so much fun. We are taking the kids next weekend and I can't wait for all that great, fried, fair food. I only wish Mac and the boys would be there! We've seen them 4 or 5 times and love, love, love them. I'll let you know if we ever get a cow in our city suburbs:)


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