02 August 2007

August adoption update

Some of you have asked about our current adoption proceedings. I don't post much about our adoption not because it's not on my heart every single day [it IS], but because quite honestly, nothing has been happening recently. Well, today something happened. And no, don't get your hopes up, not THE something but... something, nonetheless. :) And for any of you who have adopted, any something any where any time within this long process is a *huge* something.

But, first: a bit of history. And I realize this may be tedious for some of you to read through, so feel free to skip or skim it. But I know some of you will want these types of details, so for you, here they are:
-Spring/Summer 2006 We felt God prompting us to adopt again; this time through our state's foster care system.
-October 2006 We went to the introductory meeting with a private, *free* agency.
-Shortly thereafter we completed and turned in our application to the adoption agency.
-December 2006 We had a pre-screening interview with a pastor affiliated with the agency.
-February 2007 We attended PRIDE training (the state-mandated courses, 30 hours worth).
-At our PRIDE training we received a hefty (and by hefty I mean 50 plus pages) of paperwork to complete. The paperwork contained autobiographies, family history, parenting philosophy/styles, homework from our PRIDE training, references, background and medical checks as well as spiritual evaluations.
-March 2007 We took additional classes covering Transracial Adoption, God's Will, Drug-Affected Infants, Transitioning Children from The Foster-Care System, and Parenting the Special Needs Child. We also completed our paperwork and turned that into the agency.
-April 2007 We were certified in CPR/First Aid.
-May 2007 We had our homestudy visits. (Agency caseworkers came to our home and asked us lots of questions, basically.)
-June 2007 Our adoption homestudy was completed. (We were approved to adopt 1-2 young children.)
-June-July 2007 We began working with the state to obtain a foster care license. (The children that will be placed with us will likely not yet be legally free (read: adoptable). We will be fostering them with the intent to adopt them once they are legally free. That process could take up to a year. Maybe longer.) Our experience with the state thus far has been less than exemplary. Suffice to say, it took them a month and a half to even mail us the foster license application. But we finally did receive the application, and completed it, with more background checks and fingerprints, and then notified our agency that we were done.

And that brings us to the current month of August. ~whew!~

Today we met with our agency's Placement Coordinator. Several times a month she goes to these round-table type discussions where the state presents children entering the foster care system who need homes (temporary or permanent). It is her job to review the files of the presented children and find the ones who are either already legally free (adoptable) as well as the cases where the (birth)parental rights have been terminated on previous children (older siblings) or are likely to BE terminated. Did I lose any of you? (Basically, she pays attention to children who are likely to be placed on the adoption track, usually because of the history of the birthparent (drug/alcohol use, abuse, neglect, the parent is in prison, etc)). So she then takes a look at those children and tries to match/place them with the approved families on her list.

As of our appointment today, we are now on her list. So we are officially a "waiting family", and when she attends these meetings from now on, she will be on the lookout for a child or children who would be a good fit for our family.

There. I think that's it in a nutshell. (HA!)

For those of you who are praying (and we thank you, so much!), please pray for...
*the child/children God has chosen for our family
*our ongoing communication with the state to obtain our foster care license
*discernment for the placement coordinator as she reviews children and tries to make matches with waiting couples/families on the list. (On a side note, I was so reassured when we met with her today, because she shared that she is very prayerful about this process of matching/placement, and said that often in these meetings when children are being presented, the Holy Spirit will just lay a specific couple on her heart in relation to a particular child. I just love knowing that.)

For anyone who has questions about any of this, I'll do my best to answer. [And if I can't, I'll ask my friend Kimmie to help answer questions as she's been down this road in its entirety, though in a different state.]

I'll just close now by saying that we feel immeasurably blessed to be in the process of adoption again. And we are *so* excited to meet... someday... (soon, Lord?)... the addition(s) to our family. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. He knows. And so we wait, fully trusting His choice and His timing.


  1. Thanks for the informative update, Stacy. We continue to pray for you and your family. And the little people to come. Thanks for being willing to share and I loved what you said, "He knows". Indeed, friend. He does.

  2. How exciting to be getting closer!

    Looking forward to hearing the great news.

  3. Glad for some movement, and what a blessing to have a women involved in the process who is praying as well! My friends in BC were just matched with a little boy from Haiti, and they are looking at a two year process, but we are praying God will speed that up and bring him home. Bless you!

  4. This is exciting, Stacy! I'll be praying for you all so much! I love what the placement coordinator told you about the Holy Spirit laying a specific couple on her heart for a certain child-- that gave me chills when I read it. Praise God that He has placed such a person into your situation!

  5. That was completely follow-able. And super interesting! How exciting Stacy! I got butterflies just reading it. I will pray too that the Holy Spirit moves the heart of the social worker and that she listens.
    Praying for you all too. Thank you again for sharing this adventure with us! It's a privilege to be in the know, on how to pray.

  6. Thank you for the concise update!! I am a new-ish reader of your blog, and it's great to hear that you are adopting!

    We hope to adopt someday----we were actually in the "process" last year when we found out I was pregnant with our little Ian!

    I am doing a give-a-way on my blog this month, come on by and visit!!


  7. Great update, Stacie. For those of us new to you blog, it is nice to read.

  8. Praying, praying, praying.
    Love amy

  9. We are praying about adopting and also feel that going through the state's foster care system might be the way we go. Good to read what you are doing here. Very exciting!

  10. Stacy,
    I am so praying for you and your family during this waiting time.


  11. What a blessing that she hears the Spirit's prompting in this process. May the Wind blow...

  12. Oh Stacy;

    My heart is with you as you play the waiting game-it is so gut wrenching hard sometimes-but in these times of waiting the Lord is indeed with us and will not allow us to miss his perfect plan for our lives. He knows the ones he has for you, he knows their names (perhaps new names ;-) and He will not let the "agency" forget about you.

    I will be praying for favor over your license and your file. Ask to see if your "file" is on a computer base with your agency, so other social workers who get your file, may be able to help match you up. I know when we were waiting after our first adoption with DCF (department of children and families) we didn't get a phone call for over a year...(big sigh)...but it turns out that they never put our name into the system, so no one but our social worker knew we were "ready and available."

    He knows the ones he has for you, perhaps right now they are coming into the system...May God shine a light on your family and may your match made in heaven happen quicker than we think or hope.
    Repeated phone calls (ie-harassment ;-)~ in the nicest way I mean ;-) can also help. YOu know the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I learned in the CT system to become rather squeaky at times.

    blessings my dear friend
    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  13. Kimmie-
    HA! I have *SO* learned that already in working with the state thus far: repeated phone calls. I can be just as nice as pie calling EVERY OTHER DAY.

  14. quote: The paperwork contained autobiographies, family history, parenting philosophy/styles, homework from our PRIDE training, references, background and medical checks as well as spiritual evaluations.

    WOw I wonder if even adopting thru a non religious agency would require paperwork like the above because DH and I are totally opposite on spiritual and philosophical issues....


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