04 October 2007

I should probably tell you...

...that Michelle has posted a short video of my trip to Indiana.

You can view that here. Or not. (Preferrably not, if I had my way.) I don't particularly like pictures of myself. Not to mention videos. (But I'm just going to get over that for the moment and cringe while you all head over to watch that.)


  1. Drats...my quicktime needs to be updated or something...the video won't open for me...I bet it is cute!

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  2. LOVED it! Thanks for letting Michelle post it. You definitely need a cow, but you're gonna have to get more aggressive than that if you ever plan to have enough milk from said cow. ;)

  3. That is so fun! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  4. It looks like you had a great time with your friend. I don't know that I have anyone I'm that close to (you know, that I fly across the country to go see). How blessed you are.

  5. That was so cool. Good job Michelle. And your so cute Stac.
    You SO remind me of your mom!

  6. Joni,
    I KNOW! They didn't really have a bucket and weren't really set up for me to milk by *hand*, though... (I wish I could have sat down to really get into it. I'm sure once I got the hang of it I could have gotten some serious milk out! :))

    REALLY? What reminds you of my mom? I'm so curious?!


  7. That was so fun to watch!

  8. That was so sweet! What a nice thing to do. Looks like you had a great time!

  9. Oh, you're so cute!! I love the part when you're first milking the cow and your other hand is "cringing" up in the air---that says it all!!! (grin)

  10. stacy: the video is cute. you are a natural cow-milker! lol!

  11. Ok - stacy - you are SOOOO cute! I loved the milking the cow part and how excited you were. Looks like you had a wonderful visit.

  12. All I can say, and at the risk of repeating what everyone else has said... YOU ARE SO CUTE! :)

  13. Aww... thanks, girls.

    ~ an embarrassed-and-glad-this-is-over-Stacy.


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