03 October 2007

The three words that made my day


Just seen on the sign outside a local coffee shop.

You can't even know how happy this makes me. Eggnog Lattes, readers.

You may be surprised to learn that I haven't actually had one yet. Yet. I just gasped loudly and braked and alarmed my entire family in the process. Then I whooped with joy. And expressed my delight for a few minutes: "Do you see that? Eggnog! Eggnog Lattes! I can't believe it! I am *so* excited! Do you even SEE that sign? Mark, LOOK. That sign. Everyone, look. That sign! It says 'We have Eggnog.' Do you even know what that means? Eggnog Lattes! Mama LOVES those.... (etc)"

I plan to head out bright and early tomorrow morning for my first Eggnog Latte of the season. (~contented sigh~)

And in the meantime I am just savoring the knowledge that EGGNOG is in town.

On second thought, maybe if I sweetly ask my husband he'll head out later tonight and get me one.

Yes. I'll try that.

Ohmygoodness. WHAT IF THEY CLOSE before then? I am calling right now.


  1. You crack me up LOL! Can you believe I have never in my entire life had a Egg Nog Latte? I will have to try one in your honor :o)

  2. P.S. Thanks for the continued pray for us.

  3. Stacy, You are too funny! I *LOVE* eggnog lattes. I may have to have one tomorrow :~)

  4. Oh! Yes! Right after Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Then comes Egg Nog Lattes, right in that order! Along with, fall leaves, crisp air, flannel sheets, apples, mmm...mmm...mmm!!!

  5. I hope you're enjoying an eggnog latte even now! Just today the kids were stamping/painting with apples and I decided to read them the Early Harvest chapter from Farmer Boy- and the drink of the harvest season was eggnog! It made me think of making some, with our own eggs, of course!
    Thanks for asking how I'm doing- good, thanks! Starting to look pregnant, and I have my next appointment next week.
    Blessings friend!


    I myself am a peppermint mocha girl, but you know, whatever!

    SO, what happened, did you get yourself one last night or this morning???

  7. I knew I adored you. Anyone who can get that excited over caloric intake is MY KIND OF GIRL. But seriously, EGGNOG? There's no chocolate in eggnog.

  8. How funny. My oldest son is in love with EGGNOG! He starts checking the stores in August, and we buy a bunch right before we know they will be gone for the season...it's okay but... :)

  9. I can't say as I've ever had an eggnog latte before, but I *love* eggnog! Mmmm... it is just so good. Nothing like it.

    Hope you enjoyed your latte :-)

    I called the coffee shop last night at 6:41, just as we were sitting down to a [late] dinner, (which is why I didn't stop in the first place, because I had to feed my family first), and was told they were closing at 7pm. *sigh* So I had to wait until today. All morning I wondered if maybe God didn't really want me to have one at all because my children were SLOWER THAN MOLASSES getting ready this morning (waking up, getting dressed, morning chores, breakfast)... and we did not get out of the house until 10:30. 10:30! But at least that way I got to pick one up for Mark, too, and surprise him with one as he worked.
    Anyway, all that to say this: first eggnog latte of the season= pure delight. :) Well worth the wait!

    And for those of you who have never tasted one, get yourself to your nearest coffee shop already! :)


  11. Mmmm....I just happen to be reading this with my first pumpkin spice latte of the season in hand. And I am equally delighted. :)

  12. ooo, yuck. sorry. I'm glad you're glad tho :)
    I'd like something chocolately, pumpkiny or fruity.
    Oh, I loved hearing about trip - what fun! Friends are truly a blessing.

  13. you crack me up!

    Kimmie-who has never had an eggnog latte...not sure if I have had a latte ;-)

  14. Hi

    Thanks for leaving a comment in my post What to do when you don't get the toolbar or HTML/Javascript and COMPOSE tabs in the Blogger post editor, etc.. I have responded to your comment.

    May the Good Lord bless you and your family.

    Peter (Blog*Star)
    Natural Remedies


  15. Hi Stacy :) LOL! I am so glad you have had that latte. My sweet sister and I shared an absolutely fabulous piece of pumpkin cheesecake tonight, and I thought of you ;) For me, the big thing is autumn teas - yum & double yum!
    Love to you, Q

  16. *grin*

    I do not like eggnog myself, but I like you! :) Happy for you!


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