22 January 2008

A Post by The Husband

Hi. This is Mark here. Stacy's husband. I've never "blogged" before. But since I was so kindly celebrated here by my wife, I figure I'll write the follow-up post. Here goes...

WOW, what a GREAT birthday I had, thanks most of all to my lovely wife. I was so blessed by her letting me sleep in, by her gifts to me (a subscription to Steelers digest, a Steelers book and a Steelers cap). And that dinner and dessert were phenomenal -- she is an exceptionally excellent cook.

Okay, to answer the questions...
1. I am now 38 years old, I guess, but my youthful wife keeps me feeling at least five years younger.
2. The Pittsburgh Steelers are my favorite team. Always have been. Asking me to choose a favorite player is a little like asking me which one of my children is my favorite. My favorite current player is probably Hines Ward, with Troy Polamalu a close second. All time favorite Steeler? Come on, how can I do that? (Fletch, if I was a Seahawks fan, Largent would of course be my favorite, but that's kind of easy when there's only one Hall-of-Famer to choose from.)
3. My favorite musician/band? Another really tough question. Most days it's U2, but there are times when I think it's Van Morrison, and often I think it's the 77s. Maybe it's Michael Roe (of the 77s) because of his solo work and his being part of both the 77s and the Lost Dogs. Overall, I'll stick with U2.
4. I'm 6'6"
5. We didn't have a snake. I caught lots of garter snakes, but never kept them for a pet.
6. I have 5 siblings: a sister and four brothers.
7. I have a B.A. in Journalism
8. My current favorite game to play is Ticket to Ride Europe, but I enjoy all those on the list.

Jodi, thanks for being such a good sport and playing even though you don't know me at all. And yes, I do seriously love the Steelers. If you do the math, you'll realize I was about 5 to 10 years old when the Steelers won 4 Super Bowls in the 70s. Even at that young age, I recognized true greatness in a football team. I made a lifetime commitment that I've never regretted.

Mike, you got 7 out of 8 right, with a bonus for knowing Ward. That makes you one of the big winners. But that's hardly fair, because you know me well IRL (how's my use of blog lingo?) But you did beat the other contestant who knows me well -- your wife, who only got 6 of the 8. (And I'll give Amy the bonus just for knowing there was somebody named Lynn who played for the Steelers.) [Lynn Swann]

Chad (w/ Michelle helping out) also got 7 of 8. (As for Ken Griffey Jr. being my favorite player, I think it was clear that NFL was meant, but you're right, it wasn't specified, so BONUS to you!!) Chad lives far, far away from me, and I've only seen him on three occasions, so his score trumps Mike's. I crown him CHAMPION of the contest, and I'll put him on the waiting list for BFF status.

Carrie, who amazingly got 5 of 8 right, is the winner of those who don't really know me at all. I am impressed.

Ella, thanks for playing my game, sweet girl. So glad you got the Steelers question right, and yes, Bettis was my favorite Steeler in his time.

Sorry, Cutzi, you didn't win, but thanks for playing.

Fletch, Settlers is probably my all-time favorite game, but the question asked for my "current" favorite.

Cindy, although you skipped the quiz, your comment that I have a beautiful family and an amazing wife who adores me is the best response of the bunch, so I award you SUPER GRAND CHAMPION PRIZE in my birthday contest.

Finally, thanks again to you, Stacy, for making my birthday (and 364 other days every year) so great. I love you and cherish you. To all of you who read Stacy's blog and to those of you who "know" her solely through this strange blog world, I can assure you that you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how encouraging, caring, amusing, thoughtful, Godly, and just-plain-wonderful she is. I get the incredible gift of being loved by this woman every day. I am blessed.

- Mark


  1. I am so excited that I got recognized as the big winner who really doesn't know Mark at all, but somehow knows these things about him...that actually sounds kind of scary! I guess my ADD isn't as bad as I thought and I have actually been digesting Stacy's blog posts and Michelle conversations about you more than I thought. For the record I would have gotten a perfect score, however, I couldn't remember if you were closer to my age or Dean's, I knew it was one of us, I remembered you had four brothers, but forgot about your sister, and the last question was totally a trick because I have never heard of any of those games until you and Stacy entered the Timmons' life and I was pretty sure you loved all of them. Oh, and I totally guessed about U2, however, that just seemed like you, even though I really don't know you! Thanks for the fun post from you and Stacy! And Happy 38th Birthday!!

  2. So forget that comment I made about the last question being a trick question because... I actually got it right, so it was a great question. I got the one before it wrong, so that must have been the trick question I was talking about :)

  3. Mark, you and my husband would get along famously on the music front. After moving from NZ and carting over every single 77s album/CD/tape that he owns, I know he's a big fan. Along with Lost Dogs and Michael Roe. His favourite, however, is The Choir.

    Glad to hear you had a great birthday!


  4. Hi Mark :) Great post! Happy, Happy Birthday! Blessings, Q

  5. Awwww...now that was sweet.

    Well, my Steelers question was confirmed in paragraph #2 with the description of birthday gifts. And, only one Hall-of-Famer to choose from? Ouch. That kinda hurt. I'll be gracious with you though...I'm sure you're still trying to heal after the Steelers' wild card game.

  6. I am so, so dissapointed in myself!

    You should co-blog would Stac Mark. Wouldn't that be fun!

  7. You are a natural blogger Mark. I am impressed. I think we should read your segment at poker night and see if anything crashes through the roof on you!

  8. By the way Stacy I finally figured out how this comment thing works. Thanks for the instructional. And by the way that dinner was amazing!

  9. Awwwww... I'm honored to accept the super grand champion prize. I'll be waiting by my mailbox. :)

    I love the way you honor Stacy. Hope this year is the best yet.

  10. Mark- you are tall! :) My hubby is 6'4" and my neck hurts most of the time. How tall are you, Stacy? Does your neck hurt a lot, too? ;)
    These were fun facts - thanks for sharing them- such love between you two! Blessed...

  11. It's always nice to see a guy blog! Do it more. or start your own.

    And thanks for awarding my wife, Cindy, such an awesome title.

  12. Loved the guest post, Mark. You and Stacy are such a lovely couple and your love for each other and the Lord is truly evident. And my hubby has a BA in Journalism too!!

  13. hear hear for more notes from mark! and i must say, although i only know stacy through this "strange blogging world" i think she's pretty great, too!

    happy birthday!

  14. Awww... you are all so sweet to wish my man a happy birthday. And for those of you who played the little birthday game? Thanks! :)

    Great job! We were super impressed!

    Mark loves The Choir, too! I'd never even heard of any of those guys/bands until I started dating Mark. :)

    Thank you, sweet Quinne!

    I'm surprised Mark didn't give you some smart retort on your "wild card game" comment. :) He's probably just thinking of the perfect reply.

    You goof. I happen to know you know Mark WAY better than your game score revealed! :)

    I'm thrilled you figured out the whole blog commenting. Woo hoo! :)
    (for everyone else, Micah is my brother, and this is his first blog comment.)

    Wow. Yes-- quite the honor to be the SUPER GRAND CHAMPION. Nicely done.

    I am tall, too. 5'11', I think. I love having such a tall husband and have gotten quite used to craning my neck! :)

    Thanks for stopping by! I introduced Mark to your blog last night and he was chuckling.

    Fun that our men are both writers! :)
    Thanks for your sweet compliments.

    :) Thanks! And now go give those sweet baby girls some smooches! :)


  15. Whoops.

    And Mark, honey?

    Your words to me here in this post are so sweet. Thank you. Really. I'm so thankful you are forgiving of my [many] faults and love me anyway.

    And I love you.

  16. Well, if he were to make a smart retort I would probably be deserving of it. It's not like I have that much more room to talk. :)

  17. suzies-garden

    As I call Findlay, Ohio my home, I am proud to say that Big Ben is from my home town. He is so nice, never forgetting his roots. He comes from a wonderful family that is so proud of their son. My son still lives there, his son loves to watch Big Ben. Ben also when in Findlay makes a point to go watch the young football players, play giving them so much encouragemtnt. So, Yea for you and Yea for Pittsburg Steelers. I now live in Dallas, and a Cowboy Fan, Bronco Fan, but will have to say I hope the Giants Win the Super Bowl. But, did want to see Bret go one more time to the Super Bowl. Glad you had such a wonderful Birthday. You have a wonderful family, love to read your blog spots. Good for you for writing. I don't think my husband will do that for awhile.......Maybe some day!

  18. Mark and Stacy;

    What a wonderful post and a testimony of your love and adoration of each other. May God continue to bless you and guide you as you walk this path together.

    I am blessed to know your beautiful family through 'this strange' blog world. ;-)

    mama of 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted


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