25 January 2008

The rest of the family

Isaias is feeling quite a bit better today.

And the rest of the family?

Fevers. Chills. Aches. Sore throats. Ella keeps telling me her tummy hurts and her mouth hurts. Isaac keeps pointing to his teeth and saying they hurt. Hmm.

Isaias, not one to be left out (though I can tell he's much better), keeps reminding me emphatically throughout the day: "I'm sick!"

And everyone is doing a lot of this:

Mark is sick, too. No pictures of him, though. (At the time of my photo shoot he was in the bathtub.)

And isn't God so gracious that I feel perfectly healthy? I am so thankful. Not only that I'm not sick, but that I get to care for my sick family today.

And... two other things to be thankful for. A friend brought over couscous and some yummy Thai Peanut Sauce to put over chicken. We had it for dinner and it was delicious. [Thank you, Tami! You are so very sweet!]

And my parents stopped in earlier with get-well gifts: a puzzle for Ella, a puzzle for Isaac, and a couple of little trucks for Isaias. Very sweet. Isaac even got up for about ten minutes to work on his puzzle. But now he's back to doing more of this:


  1. I truly hope everyone feels better soon, and that it skips you entirely! We just went through this in the last few weeks and it's not fun.
    Blessings and peace to you,

  2. Hi Stacy :) I am so sorry that the sickies have invaded! So glad to hear that you are well, though :) I am lifting you all up! Love, Q

  3. Hi Stacy! Got your email- LOVED the longest email ever. :) I can top it, though, I bet. I'll write back soon- we are going to be gone most of today and tomorrow. So sorry your wee ones are sick. And your big one, too. I'll pray for YOUR continued health. Enjoy their snuggliness. (It is a word; I'm sure of it.) Love to you.

  4. Don't you just hate when the crud goes around? I hope you stay healthy, and that everyone gets well soon...

  5. Stacy,
    I'm so sorry they're all sick! I'll pray that the miracle of health stays upon you!
    Oh-- would you be willing ever to talk/email with a friend of mine who's considering adoption?

  6. Hi Stacy;

    Drats, sorry your others are not feeling hot. Praying for a speedy recovery-wish I could pop over a meal to you and a hug.

    Take your vitamins and wash your hands!!! Crack a window to get some fresh air in too.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  7. Soooooo sorry that everyone is so sick! Wish you lived close to a good doctor (or at least a FREE one!!!). We are praying that everyone is better soon!! And that you STAY healthy. If you were my mom, you would be taking super-human doses of vitamin c by now!!

    Love you MUCH!

  8. Soooooo sorry that everyone is so sick! Wish you lived close to a good doctor (or at least a FREE one!!!). We are praying that everyone is better soon!! And that you STAY healthy. If you were my mom, you would be taking super-human doses of vitamin c by now!!

    Love you MUCH!

  9. so sorry they're sick :( tummy ache and sore throat could mean strep.......i hope not!

    stay well and take airbourne!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry everyone is sick - they do look cute all snuggled in on the couch. Poor things.

    Hope you stay well.

  12. UPDATE: Thank you all for your well-wishes and prayers! :)

    Isaac and Mark were both still very sick yesterday. Isaias was back to his normal self, with a bit of a cough. Ella slept a ton and was pretty low-key but was feeling better.

    Last night Isaac began throwing up on top of everything else. Finally during the night his fever broke. He's been able to keep down 2 crackers, some water and some dry cheerios this morning, so that's a good sign. And he's back to his cheery self. Mark is still in bed, still a bit feverish, still achy and coughing. Isaias is now back to bed, saying his tummy hurts.

    I woke up feeling achy (head and neck) but maybe that's because I slept on it wrong or something. Not that I did much sleeping with Mark's coughing and the boys hollering for me throughout the night. :)

    I am so thankful, though, that Isaac and Ella seem to have turned a corner this morning.

    Hoping you're all well and enjoying your Sabbath! :)


  13. Stacy - I so hope you didn't come down with the bug! I think it is the hardest when mommy is sick. Your sweeties look so adorable sleeping on the couch - and I hope you get some rest soon too. I can identify with Isaac - when i am sick - especially with a fever - my teeth hurt too :-)


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