20 April 2008



::donuts with friends after church

::a board game with Mark

::a nap

::a visit with my parents who stopped in

::time to sew

::roast in the crock pot for dinner

::plans to watch some of Little House on the Prairie with the kids, with popcorn

And the rest of the evening remains stretched out before us.

Is there anything so delightful as a day of rest?

I am so thankful for the Sabbath!


  1. ... and I am so thankful for my wonderful, beautiful wife who put that yummy-smelling roast in the crock pot.

    Loving you!

    - Mark

  2. Oh... I was going to leave some great comment but then I read Mark's and I simply can't top it. :)

  3. I love days like that!
    And, I love reading the comments from your husband. So sweet!

  4. Hi Stacy :) What a precious post! Love, Q

  5. Yes, Sundays are precious times, aren't they?

  6. Yes, Sundays are precious times, aren't they?

  7. All the comments about the pot roast....but, personally I didn't get past the donuts!! :)

    The Sabbath REST is something that I continue to drift away from....this post was a good reminder to me that I need to look at my Sundays again!

  8. heavenly!!!

    i cherish those days.

  9. I cherish my Lord's Day rest too! And I also love it when your hubby comments :-)

  10. Oh, what I would do for a nap! Sounds like a blast of a day!

  11. Just reading about your day makes me feel rested. ;)


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