13 April 2008


Remember when I mentioned that someday I'd love to learn how to embroider?

As of today, I'm learning.

This blog was particularly helpful. [If you're curious, follow that link and then scroll down. There's a whole series of posts where she teaches different embroidery stitches.]

I learned how to do the Satin Stitch, the Running Stitch, the Back Stitch, the Split Stitch, and a French Knot.

I've also discovered this is an inexpensive craft. I bought two hoops (is that what they're called?) at a thrift store for $0.99, the embroidery thread for $0.29/color, and some white linen for myself (which was a bit pricier, but I had a coupon!)

But I knew that if I came home with all of that and started embroidering, Ella would want to do it, too. So I found some inexpensive white fabric on the clearance rack at the fabric store.

Ella was more than delighted. I gave her a pencil and told her she could draw a picture on the fabric.

Then she chose the colors of thread she wanted and set to work. She needed a little help threading the needle and tying knots, but other than that she was on her own.

Ella loved this, and spent well over an hour today working on different pictures within her hoop.

Note to self: This would be a great gift idea for a little girl. Tuck inside a little basket or tote: a hoop, different colors of embroidery thread, some white fabric, a little pair of scissors, and a needle. You could even include some ideas for pictures.


  1. Your embroidery is lovely and so is Ella's! Keep up the good work!

  2. Fun! One of these days I want to get around to making these.


  3. That's funny, I've been working on learning it too after reading Amanda Soule's book and my daughter has been practicing too.

    I'll have to check that site out. Thanks!

    BTW, the polka dot basket is from Pottery Barn Kids. I think they still have it.

  4. This is wonderful! I love how you include Ella in everything you do. She's going to have so many memories to treasure with her mommy!

  5. So sweet. I can't wait until Audrey gets big enough to do projects with me too. :-)

    And I'll definitely have to check that site out! In that area, I need all the help I can get!

  6. Isn't it fun? I love being "crafty"...

  7. So, you just added another child to your house and you thought you had time to start a new project and learn a new craft?! Amazing...you go girl!

  8. Hi Stacy :) How fun!! I remember learning to do those wonderful stitches with my mom. Like you, she was gifted with the way she included me in whatever she was doing - and it was always so fun.

    Please tell Ella how proud we are of her, too. I'll be showing these pics to Miss M - we'll be beginning stitching in the fall...
    Love and hugs, Q

  9. Dear Stacy,
    I read your blog faithfully but rarely comment. I have rejoiced and wept through your foster Baby and adoption stories and just love everything you write about your sweet family.

    Can't believe you wrote about this today as my sweet 8yo daughter came to me just this morning with a gift bag and tucked inside was a darling little cross-stitch of a sunshine and flowers she made for me! I let her spend some time doing the lessons on the link you provided, and she was so very excited! What a great resource. Thank you and God bless, Stacy!

  10. Oh, and I forgot to mention how wonderful both your and Ella's handiwork looks! Great job and wonderful memories!!

  11. great job! ella too :)


  12. ooooohhh! pretty!

    I love this! Thanks for the crafty inspiration dahling.

  13. How cool that you and your girl can do this together!

  14. Stacy and Ella,
    Great job! Isn't embroidery fun! Have a blessed week. Love, Tami

  15. Very sweet. I look forward to starting this with my little princess soon!


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