24 June 2008


Thank you for all of your happy anniversary wishes!

Mark and I just returned from our overnight. It's the one time a year we make sure we get away with just each other, and I'm so thankful for it.

Our kids went to grandma's for a "slumber party", and you'd think they were going to Disneyland with how thrilled they were to be able to do that!

Mark and I went to a favorite Bed & Breakfast near the beach.

It was so very good to simply rest.

On the way there, I read aloud to Mark from my 1993 journal- specifically, the season we began dating. That was a hoot! :)

When we arrived, we walked along the beach and talked. My only pre-planned question for the weekend was this one:

"How can I encourage you...
...in your faith?
...as a father?
...in our marriage?
...in your work?
...in your friendships?
...with your extended family?

He answered as we walked and then this morning I wrote it all down in my journal so that I can remember to check back and see how I'm doing in my role of help-meet.

We ate yummy food. [Which is always one of my favorite parts!]

We played a few card games. One deck of cards and the only two games I could remember were Gin and Speed. Sheesh. My sister and I used to know all of the two-person card games.

We read books (he's reading God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew and I'm reading a book by Michael Phillips.)

We slept. And slept. And slept some more. [I took a nap yesterday, slept 9 hours last night, and took another nap today! I was tuckered out and it was such a luxury to just be able to sleep, and without interruption or responsibility. A rare treat!]

And now we're home again, and so refreshed! I missed the kids and was anxious to see them again. Mark has one more day off and tomorrow we're heading to the ZOO, (weather permitting), and I do hope it permits because I adore the zoo.

How are you, dear readers?

***Oh, before I forget! Congratulations to my friend Quinne who recently had a sweet baby girl!


  1. Sounds like a great little get-away! I wish I could read to Justin in the car - I'd throw up. That would be really romantic. ;-)

    And the zoo! I've been wanting to go to the zoo lately. Have fun!

  2. Those are great questions for a get away weekend. Thanks for sharing...

  3. Oh I am so glad to hear you had a great time! And super glad that you were able to SLEEP!!!

  4. Awww Stacy - I am so glad you had a wonderful refreshing time with your sweetheart. It sounds like you had a delightful time, and it was needed, I'm sure.

    I pull out my journal from the time when I first met Edie from time to time, and we have a delicious time reading it and laughing.

    And what wonderful questions to ask your husband!! No wonder he loves you so much :-)

  5. Stacy, this sounds like Heaven... Congratulations on 11 years together! I am so encouraged by you and the way you love Mark. Way to go with those questions! Have a great zoo trip and do be sure to post pictures of all the kids with the animals!

  6. Sounds lovely! I'm glad you had such a good time...and so much sleep! How nice.

  7. Sleep is a good thing! I have enjoyed both of your last posts. They are so encouraging concerning marriage.

    Hope you have a great day at the zoo.

    And me.....I am doing great now that the sun is out and shining. I also got some good deals on home decor yesterday. Good deals make me happy :o)

  8. Hi Stacy :) I'm so glad you two had a nice time! It's a double blessing to find joy in coming home, isn't it?

    Thanks for the note here and for praising the Father with us for Ila.
    Love you so! Q


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