17 June 2008

At home: Tuesday, June 17

The things I like to read on other blogs are the things going on in and around someone else's home. I really do like to know what you're reading, what your children are up to, what you're having for dinner, etc. Those things. A little "snapshot" of your day, if you will.

A blog I used to read had a little section in the sidebar where she updated what was going on in different areas of her home each day:
In the kitchen...
In the garden...
In the sewing room... (etc)

It was very similar to the Simple Woman's Daybook posts that I've seen floating around the blogosphere. I considered jumping on the bandwagon of that particular series, but I've decided to come up with my own list of questions, and periodically post those here on my blog. I do this occasionally in my journal and I always appreciate coming across an old entry that captured some specifics of that particular day. Here goes:


Listening to... Mark, beside me, reading books about ships to the kids. Ella, Isaac and Isaias all climbed into our bed this morning (we were sleeping; it's Mark's day off), and this is where we're hanging out.**

Learning... about ships. There's an exhibit at our museum right now about ships, and Mark is taking the kids to it later today. [Hence all the ship books.]

Thankful for... Mark's day off today.

In the kitchen... Well, we ended up having dinner at my mom's last night because my sister was up, so we'll have the Taco Salad tonight.

Sewing... absolutely nothing right now. I'm in-process on some embroidered wall-hangings for the girls' room, and I've yet to put the binding on. But I haven't worked on it in at least a week.

Wearing...Pajamas! Boxer shorts and a tshirt.

Reading... I just started Tracy Chevalier's book, Burning Bright.

Hoping... for a miraculously obedient son today.

In the yard/garden... my peonies are blooming, our vegetables are coming up nicely. Especially the radishes! Sheesh. Those things are prolific! Even my tomatoes are happily growing.

Praying for... Amy and their house situation, Beka.

Looking forward to... going away with Mark next week. One night away to celebrate 11 years of marriage. I sure love this guy.

**In the middle of writing this post, Adelia woke up, so we're all here on the bed. Ah...this is the life. The five most precious people to me, tucked in beside me. I'm off to enjoy them! First up: a bottle for my sweet littlest girl. Have a wonderful day, all!

[My thought is that I'll post such a list (or a variation of it) on a semi-regular basis. (Every other week?) I don't know what to title these types of posts, though, so if you have any suggestions, do share! :)]


  1. I love this idea! I may have to compliment you by stealing it :o)

    It is nice to get a glimspe into a "day in the life" of another Mama isn't it?

  2. My dear friend, Missy, does this - she calls it a snapshot. I did a few. I need to get back into it!!

    Love hearing about your day! I can just picture you all in bed! We do the same thing! Love those mornings!

  3. This is great and I may have to try it. I'd have to do it on a Saturday though because I work during the week. I like the "Snapshots" title idea or maybe, "A day in the life...".

    Emily, I host a "Favorite Ingredients Friday" recipe exchange each week. I'd love it if you'd join us! :)

  4. What a great idea! I especially enjoy hearing about people's everyday happenings also.

    Enjoy your taco salad tonight! (I bookmarked your recipe and can't wait to try it!)

  5. I REALLY like this post idea and I'm going to steal it, if that is ok with you, that is!!

    If you all are into ships these days, have you read Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham? One of my all-time favorite homeschooling books from Sonlight curriculum.

  6. Steal away, ladies! Like I said, I'd love to read those tidbits of your lives, too!

    We haven't read that one, yet, but it's on my ever-growing list! :)

  7. Sounds like you are having a wonderful day!
    And thank you for praying!
    Love you!
    ! (I know)

  8. Yay! I am going to enjoy these posts!! I also love it when you post recipes - I am going to try the Taco Salad a little later this week.

  9. A title for this fun idea? Let's see...

    "Tuesdays with Stacy" (if Mitch doesn't mind the copying)

    "Open House"

    "Fly-on-my-Wall Friday"

    I don't know... that's all for now. Thanks for liking me and cherishing my days off. Perhaps these days would be a little more fun for you if you'd regain your Ticket to Ride touch. (For those who don't know what Ticket to Ride is, it's our current favorite board game.)

    Loving you so much!


  10. Mark,

    HA! As if I would title these posts "Fly-on-my-Wall Fridays"!!!

    Watch out, sir. I will SO be victorious the next time we play.


  11. What I great idea! I, too, enjoy those brief windows into others' happenings! Hope you had a wonderful day off!!!

  12. Thanks for the great idea, Stacy! I'll be stealing today, too! And, you and Mark are too cute.

  13. I love "a day in the life" posts and look forward to yours more often.


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