03 July 2008

It's Stacy's Birthday!

(This is Mark, Stacy's husband. I've decided to take over her blog for the day.)

Happy Birthday, my sweet Stacy. I'd write how old you are, but I'm not sure that's public knowledge. So I'll just say Stacy's old enough to be one of the wisest people I know and yet young enough to be full of youthful vigor.

As I sit down to write this, I ponder many things to write about, but I am mostly just overcome with gratitude.

I'm so thankful that you, the most wonderful person and most beautiful girl, have chosen to be with me. You give yourself so completely and joyfully to our marriage and our family. Thank you.

Thank you also for:
Being an tremendous encourager.
Daily seeking to walk with Jesus.
Continually improving your homemaking skills.
Making extraordinary, delicious meals.
Taking care of our delightful children every day.
Training these children in love, obedience and righteousness.
Being a fun mommy.
Making me laugh.
Being my fiercest board-game competitor.
Praying for me, our family, our church and others so consistently.
Being a faithful, pursuing friend to me and others.
Growing in grace; forgiving me.
Pretty much everything you are and do.

I've just been joined by another boy here on the couch, and your budders wants to write: "I love you, Mommy. I hope you have a good party. I like Mommy because she's really nice to me and she's cute. I love you, goodbye."

I know this post isn't nearly as organized or eloquent as what your readers normally encounter here. You are an outstanding writer and I enjoy reading your posts. I'm thankful for the way your writing encourages others, as evidenced by the comments you receive here.

So, again, Happy Birthday, my love. I cherish you.


  1. Happy Birthday Stacy!!

    Hope you have a beautiful day!

  2. Happy Birthday to you Stacy! May it be blessed, and may God grant you many years!

  3. Happy Birthday Stacy!
    Hope it's a wonderful day.

  4. Happy Birthday, Stacy! I hope it's just wonderful...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mark-

    You sneaky guy! So that's why you were out here with the computer at 6 am!

    Thank you, love, for the wonderful blog post. I am so tickled that you did that! And you are too an eloquent writer. Your post made me cry. You are so good to me.

    Thank you for celebrating me so much already today! Hope you have a wonderful day at work.

    *Oh, and for everyone else? I'm 33 today. [I'm okay with that being public knowledge.] And thank you all for the birthday wishes! :)


  7. Hi Stacy :) Sending you hugs and love today, and praying that this next year will be filled with joy and peace. Happy, Happy Birthday! Love, Q

  8. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful and blessed day :)

  9. Oh how sweet! Happy Birthday, Stacy. You are clearly a blessing to your family -- and to all of us who know you online!!

  10. Happy Birthday Stacy!
    Hope you have a great day celebrating with your sweet family!

  11. Happy birthday Stacy! Hope you have a fantastic day :)

  12. Happy Birthday Stace! And how cool is that that Mark guest-posted! I love it!
    He is right, you are terrific!

  13. how sweet!

    Happy Birthday my dear, sweet friend. Hope your 33rd year is a wonderful blessing to you and all you love.

  14. Happy birthday Stacy!!! Hope you had a wonderful day. :)

  15. Happy Birthday Stacy! What a sweet husband you have!

  16. Happy Birthday! Hope you were treated like a queen! :)

  17. Happy Birthday, Stacy!!! Hope your day was MARVELOUS!!!!

  18. I'm late, Stacy, but hope you had a terrific b-day!

  19. Just saw this Stacy! Happy belated Birthday. I pray that you had a good one! Have a blessed week. In God's Love, Tami

  20. Sweet friend, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday!! I hope it was beautiful! Tell me what yummy thing you ate! :)

  21. Oh, happy belated birthday my dear friend. Hope you had a wonderful day, what a sweet surprise Mark left you in this post, huh!

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted


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