09 July 2008

Remember when...

...I used to write on this blog?

Yeah, that was fun.

For the life of me, I cannot think of anything worth sharing a whole post about.

Hence, the quiet.

Surely there's something I can say if I just start typing, right?

What have we been up to? Playing outside! It's been SUNNY, readers! Warm and sunny! (Rare things for the Pacific Northwest.) I think we've even had three days of sun in a row without the interruption of rain. So we've had lots of outside time and that's been nice.

Were you to visit us, you'd find Ella on our swing set or riding her bike, Isaias playing with water or dirt (or both!) and Isaac riding his bike, playing in the dirt, singing or telling stories or explaining something loudly. Either that or you'd find him out of the sun altogether and inside the house, playing legos. Or all of them playing in the little kiddie pool.

You'd find Addie inside taking a nap or hanging out in my arms. When I'm outside I'm putting laundry on the line, watering the flowers/garden, or weeding --if I'm really inspired--

which as you can see I am not, very often.

At the very least I'd be taking a walk around our yard to peek at everything growing (or not, as the case may be with my basil. And that's all I'm going to say about that because I really really wanted that pesto this year. Ugh.)

I had a request for more news/photos about Addie, so I'm happy to oblige. [Except for I haven't been taking many photos lately, so I'll have to work on that.] Addie is a happy, sweet four-month old now. She's 14 lbs (which is tiny in our family!) She is a sweetheart: rarely fussy, content wherever she's at (okay, except for on her tummy). She babbles (when she can get a word in edgewise around here), laughs, and blows bubbles. This week she's started reaching her hands up to touch my face when I talk to her. It's very cute.

Adelia and I have always been in a good rhythm when it comes to her needing to go to sleep. She's a great sleeper for naps and nighttime, and I can lay her down awake or asleep and she will sleep great. But I noticed when Mark was trying to put her down on Sundays, she wasn't so happy about it for him. And when Mark and I went away and my mom put her down she wasn't too warm to the idea, either. So we've been working on a little sleep training. I've been making sure she's going down awake and letting her cry it out a bit. (Something that is so very much easier for me now that I've done this a few times. I distinctly remember bawling in the living room as Ella cried in the next room. Now, with Addie, I'm like, "Ah, she's fine.")

Many (all?) of you know that we're in the process of adopting her, and that's still in the works. Her caseworker has told us that she should be legally free (available for us to adopt) by the end of the summer, and then we would start the adoption process at that point, which will take another 3 months. Everything is going well for that to happen.

Let's see... in other news, I just finished reading God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew. I had never read it, I'm now ashamed to say, because it was so good. I made a note to read it aloud together as a family when the kids are a little older. Right now I'm reading Carolyn Mahaney's Feminine Appeal, and it has been encouraging (and challenging, too) to me in my roles as wife and mother.

That's all the catching up I have time for. Addie is awake. Ella is entertaining her in their room for me while I finish this up.

I hope you are all well!

::Congratulations to Jodi who is HAVING HER BABY AS I TYPE THIS.

::Rejoicing with the Fletcher family now that Joe is home! Praise God!


  1. I am the same way right now. Not much to say. I am enjoying the rare sun and we are livng in our kiddy pool.
    I am hoping to take some belly pictures soon. So there's something in the works for a post.

    I blog more when we are in a routine and well.....we are flying by the seat of our pants right now. I kinda like the "what do you want to do today kids?"
    Lazy summer days is just what we need right now.

  2. Oh, she is so stinking sweet. I wish I could kiss those cheeks! :) I like when you post. I smile when I see you in bloglines. I don't care what you write about; just write!!

  3. We sure enjoyed doing those things (and some other things too) outside with you guys yesterday!
    I am wondering how long we will have to wait to find out about Jodi!
    And your garden looks even better than this picture up close!

  4. Good to hear from you!

    Feminine Appeal is one of my favorite books.

  5. Stacy,
    I think I am going to have a lot of basil in our garden this year (unless that's really arugula and not basil in the place I think I planted basil...) and I don't really have major plans for it. I would love to share it with you! And then you could make pesto! Let me know and we'll make a way to get it to you!! Good to hear what's up at your house. Same stuff here- a little pool fun outside, a lot of baby admiring inside. Addie is darling! Oh and I loved your discription of what Isaac is doing, especially the "explaining something loudly". We have some loud talkers here, too! :)
    rebecca m

  6. Thanks for the update. I finally did one of these "I used to blog" posts yesterday too! Addie is looking so much bigger. And I like how she looks like she's waving to all of us! Enjoy the sunshine! Rebeca

  7. I'm still reading, Stace. I'm not personally blogging, but I'm still reading!! :)

  8. Yay! I'm glad to hear of all the goings on in your household! And Addie looks adorable in that picture. I can't complain about you not blogging, my dear! I am doing so much worse!

  9. Mrs. M,
    Ooh, I can't wait to see the belly shot! :)

    YES! Isn't it great?! Love it.
    And yes, dig out the book. It was very good!

    She is indeed sweet, and her cheeks are SUPER kissable!

    I like how you put that. "Other things." :)
    I'm headed over to Jodi's next, hoping for a new post!

    It is a good book, isn't it?

    Rebecca M,
    You are so sweet! And I will take any basil you wanna give me! :)

    You, too- enjoy the sunshine! :)

    Thanks, sweet you. :)

    I know it. The blogging. Must be the season. :)

    Have a great day, all!

  10. Addie is the CUTEST baby! Cuter than any doll. Seriously. Glad to hear she's a good sleeper. You have been blessed with a sweet and adorable family.

    I read Feminine Appeal last year and loved it. It was one of those books that convicted me as well as made me a little red in the face. She's a great writer.

    Enjoy our wonderful weather, isn't it great??

  11. Aah!! Stacy, it isn't basil- it IS arugula. I did plant basil but it is coming up v e r y slowly. While the arugula is growing all happy and needs to be thinned, the basil still looks like tiny seedling sprouts! When the basil starts growing you can still have some!! Hmmm what am I going to do with all that arugula...?

    rebecca m


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