12 January 2009

Read-alouds and movies

After reading the book, we watched two of the Heidi movies:

Movie #1: this one.

Movie #2: this one.

And while neither was as good as the book (duh), we did have a favorite. Our pick? Movie #2.

Three main reasons we liked this version better:
1)In movie #1: Heidi's Grandfather is just flat out mean. And angry. Not at all like his character in the book.

2)In movie #1: Klara was excruciatingly annoying. Her incessant whining and wheezing was truly painful to watch. ~shudder~ Mark and I sat through the movie, grimacing- and giving each other looks as if to say, "Seriously. Must we? Sit through this?" Trust me. It was awful.

3)In general, as far as the characters and the story, we thought movie #2 was much truer to the book.

Recently, we also finished reading aloud The Incredible Journey, which we loved. I made the mistake of checking out Homeward Bound- The Incredible Journey from the library. We started watching it and it was not at ALL what I had in mind. (Note: I'm not saying it was a bad movie, it's just that I'm always looking for what is truest to the book.)

Take 2: This was exactly what I had in mind.
Very good. Loved by all.

We're almost finished reading Pollyanna, and plan to watch this movie after we're done. [And- with Hayley Mills starring, I'm sure it must be great.] I'll let you know.

Next up for read-alouds: Lassie Come Home.

Last year we checked out this version from our library-- an abridged picture-book version, readers (gasp!)-- and truly enjoyed it.

Although, I must say- I was bawling through parts of it so the kids had a difficult time understanding me. I'm quite serious. The boys were completely bewildered and Ella cried right along with me. I can't wait to read the book in its entirety.

What is your family reading/watching of late?


  1. We're reading Hitty, Her First Hundred Years.

    I don't know how my kids all got to be so old without us reading this book as a family.

    I LOVE this book! While my 17 year old is not joining us with this read aloud, the 14 year old boy is even enjoying this book!

  2. We just started Misty of Chincoteague after a long hiatus from an official read aloud at our house. The boys love it so far and I remember how much I enjoy reading to them.

  3. That's funny...I just read Jack the first several pages of Heidi last week. I'm not really intending to read it to him right now as he's a bit young for it, but we flipped through it just for fun. Anyway, he loved it! I couldn't believe it, and a few days later I even caught him muttering something about the Alm Uncle. :)

    However we ARE starting Charlotte's Web. :) Classic. I've got a few more chapter books on hold at the library that I'm anxious to preview.

    Thanks for sharing what you guys have been reading!

  4. You'll love Pollyanna, I promise. :) Even my husband and boys love it!

    And thanks for the recommendations about Heidi- I've seen the first one, and agree that he is quite mean- I think Eliana would be covering her eyes through most of it!

    I think we should have movie nights together- we have the same reading tastes, so why not? Come over! :D

  5. Forgot to add our readings- Kev is reading "Little Britches" to boys- and all of them are loving it. I just finished "Miracles on Maple Hill" with them, and they requested to read "On the Banks of Plum Creek"... again. Fortunately, I love all of those books, so I was an easy sell.

    Kev just watched the old "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" with Kirk Douglas with the boys, since Cor just read it himself. Of course, they loved it!

  6. I'm sitting here chuckling at the thought of you reading and crying... because that would SO be me. Kids staring in bewilderment and everything. ;-)

  7. Hi Stacy :) Thanks for the reviews. Miss M has been asking for Heidi, and I will be watching to see what you thought of Pollyanna.

    We are reading Farmer Boy and loving it! Love & hugs, Q

  8. Tricia,
    We'll have to check that book out ourselves!

    Ella recently read Misty of Chincoteague and enjoyed it! [Now if we could just figure out how to pronounce it!]

    That's so cute! :) Charlotte's Web was a *huge* favorite at our house, too! And-- the movie (animated, original) was, too.

    I can't wait (for the Pollyanna movie)! I remember seeing it when I was a girl and loved it.
    Movie nights! How fun would that be?! ~smile~
    I have Little Britches in our to-read-when-the-boys-are-older stack. I'm glad to hear your guys like it so much!

    Oh, yeah... it was really something. I completely lost it. Not the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last! ;)

    Oh, Farmer Boy! Sooo fun. How I love that book- little Almanzo chomping up all food in sight!


  9. I was crying during my read aloud time today with Luke. "Twenty and Ten." It is a really good little book. I love it. About a group of children in France during the Nazi occupation and how they hide some Jewish children. Loved it.

    We are reading "Pinocchio" and I told them there is a movie but I know it will be nothing like the book. And I am excited to read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" to them next.

  10. We love the Incredible Journey. One of our fav books. I agree about the movie....the second one is much better. Don't even bother with Homeward Bound #2...it's a dud can't believe I even got talked into it....we turned it off.
    I just found 12 classics on CD at Chapters for $30. I love a good deal on a good thing! Not sure if Ella likes stories on CD but Journey loves them.


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